paint kit for Fnergs Firefly?

Hi guys, thanks for the link Huub. There are a couple of anomalies in the paintkit. Nothing major but, if you try to make a towplane say, getting the diagonal stripes to line up under the wing is almost impossible. I've made a few RAN liveries and never released them as the computer I had flight sim on died and I just haven't gotten another yet so, they are unfinished and I can't check them, or get a screenshot of the sim. :( But now that know there may new liveries, I am excited to see them.
The "Fnerg" Firefly has been flown regularly in my sim (mainly FS9) since it was released. I have dabbled with different FDE's for the plane, one was a fictional version with a 16 cylinder Chrysler engine. :dizzy: The possibility of having new paint for the ol' gal will be icing on the cake. Good to hear from you, Doug.
