Paintkit: Veneaviones Cessna Citation II C550


Charter Member 2011
This is a very sexy little jet


Intriguing solution, it has a 2D panel which has a fully animated yoke.
Quite convincing...
I'd like to see a paint of this one:


and wondered if there's a paintkit for the model?
The paintkit for this can't be found anywhere, I even emailed Veneaviones with no replies from them. I do have a copy which I found the other day on one of my CDs. Let me upload it and I'll post the download link:ernae:
Thats Airwork's Citation...its registered ZK-AWK now...
Jeepers Paul, I sometimes wonder if Air International pays you to keep that database!
A window here or there isn't going to fuss me, though, as I flit from Queenstown to Masterton to see how filming of The Hobbit is going...

...Let me upload it and I'll post the download link
Many thanks, this model really deserves better exposure, it's beautifully done.