PAK Ki-21-I Sally Kamikaze

PAK Ki-21-I Sally Kamikaze 2024-05-18

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Captain Kurt

Library Staff
Staff member
Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

PAK Ki-21-I Sally Kamikaze - PAK Ki-21-I Sally Kamikaze

Pakayan Ki-21-I Sally kamikaze by UncleTgt.

This is a conversion of Pakayans Ki-21-I Sally, originally converted for CFS2 by Peperez, for CFS 2. Following the guidelines by Pen32win, it turns the aircraft into an AI kamikaze that can be used in missions. The repaints are
58 Sentai, Sumatra JAN45, with options for dark green or stripey camo.

Updated MAR 2014 - air & dp files renamed to match aircraft.cfg

The changes made were:

The dp was modified to add kelti exhaust effects, & the crew...

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