Palm Sunday Mission



Where can I find the Palm Sunday Massacre mission for MAW? I had it then lost it when I had to re-image my computer.

Where can I find the Palm Sunday Massacre mission for MAW? I had it then lost it when I had to re-image my computer.

:wavey:Right here cfs3 missions page 8. A lot of MAW misstions in the camp and missions other section.

Palm Sunday Masacre The P-40's finest hr PLEASE SELECT 0NLY 25 % FUEL FOR THIS MISSION thank's to the enigma operators General ROMMELS efforts to resupply his army were twarted as the message that was intercepted resulted in the p-40's finest hr.CLOSE TO 60 GERMAN AIRCRAFT along with their valuable cargo and crew were disposed of that day to an allied loss of 6 plane's as the sun is setting we fly back to base low on fuel when our persistance pays off. we have found the motherload Can be flown single play,multi play,or from both sides at the same time in multiplay.
by pilotsden
Thanks. I was looking under the British section not the other section.