Panzerknacker in IL 46


And a P-61B. I love the new toys, even if they are betas!First the Panzerknacker!:icon_lol:


And before you say there isn't glass in the model, look again. Just doesn't reflect right ATM.


And the P-61.

P-61B?????? What tha....????? The Il-2 community has been begging for a P-61 (as well as a bunch of other significant WW 2 aircraft) forever. Who's doing the P-61? Will it have some sort of working radar?
Stan, Beowulf di the p-51, there is an A modle besides the B version. It has a A20 cockpit for a placeholder ATM, and he left it up to someone else to finish it. But its a fun beta. SAS or IL2 Freemodding is where to check out this model.

So have no idea whether radar actually works, doubt it though.
Good to know. I sort of gave up on Il-2 and the mods with UltraPack 3. UP 2 was great, but it looks to me like UP 3 might be in perpetual beta mode. I haven't been to SAS in months, maybe I should keep an eye on Il-2 mods again.
You are right stan, UP seems like a beta, but I have UP 3 installed, then did DBW(from SAS) A lot of downloading for Dark Blue World, but definitely worth it. There are so many maps available now, to use in QMB alone, that its a lot more fun.