Papua New Guinea Freeware Part 2 - Mt. Strips + Flying Hints


In this series of videos we will review most of the available freeware airstrips in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Part 1 video covered the first 5 highest airstrips. This Part 2 video covers the second 5 highest strips & provides hints for shortfield takeoffs & landings, so necessary in many of PNG's challenging bush/backcountry strips, high in mountains, low in valleys, often short & sloping with difficult approaches & limited or no go-arounds. Come see how I go in a Cessna 152 & then give them a go yourself. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.

In this series of videos we will review most of the available freeware airstrips in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Part 1 video covered the first 5 highest airstrips. This Part 2 video covers the second 5 highest strips & provides hints for shortfield takeoffs & landings, so necessary in many of PNG's challenging bush/backcountry strips, high in mountains, low in valleys, often short & sloping with difficult approaches & limited or no go-arounds. Come see how I go in a Cessna 152 & then give them a go yourself. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.

Orbx is developing a series of payware PNG Highlands air strips. Will be interesting to see how they compare to the Freeware material.
Mountainair on has done a number of airfields in the PNG area. They use the default objects library, so the buildings aren't always strictly accurate, but if you are flying around the region generally, they are just the job. He's done quite a few for the Pacific too.

EDIT: A link would be useful, wouldn't it...

I see he's doing a lot of northwest Alaska at the moment.

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Mountainair on has done a number of airfields in the PNG area. They use the default objects library, so the buildings aren't always strictly accurate, but if you are flying around the region generally, they are just the job. He's done quite a few for the Pacific too.

EDIT: A link would be useful, wouldn't it...

I see he's doing a lot of northwest Alaska at the moment.

Thanks Paul. I think I have some of his coming up in future PNG videos. Cheers.