a few minutes ago I was shot down by flak. I escaped from my aircraft, which couldn't be saved anymore. It just went down. Too bad the pilot opened his 'parachute' some hunderds of feet above the ground and I landed safely. Only there wasn't a parachute to be seen.
I know pilots didn't like parachutes at the beginning of the war and they still had to be develloped for safe use. But pilots sometimes just jumped out of their damaged or burning craft without.
So I searched some more and every website I visited said parachutes were already used during WW1. A book I've got (Flight, a century of aviation by R.G. Grant) also says parachutes were used, but only at the end of the war by the Germans.
Does anyone know what is correct and if parachutes were used, from what time on and by whom?
And what happened to the parachute textures in OFF?
a few minutes ago I was shot down by flak. I escaped from my aircraft, which couldn't be saved anymore. It just went down. Too bad the pilot opened his 'parachute' some hunderds of feet above the ground and I landed safely. Only there wasn't a parachute to be seen.
I know pilots didn't like parachutes at the beginning of the war and they still had to be develloped for safe use. But pilots sometimes just jumped out of their damaged or burning craft without.
So I searched some more and every website I visited said parachutes were already used during WW1. A book I've got (Flight, a century of aviation by R.G. Grant) also says parachutes were used, but only at the end of the war by the Germans.
Does anyone know what is correct and if parachutes were used, from what time on and by whom?
And what happened to the parachute textures in OFF?