Parky,Pol, techno person????????


Charter Member
Went to put my OFF onto my Laptop, I transfered the files from my PC to a WD external hard drive. I then went to download it to my Laptop. Looks like everything is OK, then wnet to load OFF and I get " Class not Registered
You need the following file to be instatlled on your pc MSSTDMT.DLL"


You need the msstdfmt.dll file. You should be able to find it here if not, I can email it to you! I have also edited the "read me" file to include installation instructions for Vista also.

you have to

install the game and have cfs-3 on and patched to 3.1 plus have flown it. then install the game correctly as the root files need to be in place. this will give you the rock solid install you need to run the game.
i have that file saved should you require it British but only give it out to the allie's side.:costumes::costumes::d
