Parrotheads and Banshees...


:mixedsmi: While I'm waiting on permissions to publish my P-40N paintkit I'll be using it to paint some Parrotheads and Banshees! :icon_lol:


Still waiting on permission to upload the paintkit but in the mean time I'm piddlin' with the Banshee! Working on the weathering and it's not there yet but it's a start.

Uploaded to the SOH Library at 7:00p.m. EDT.

A couple of things I failed to mention in the readme - MYBAD! :kilroy:

1. Be sure to check out the Tweaked Model files by Wild Bill Kelso that remove the specular shine from the model. They can be found here

2. I failed thank Cazzie for his inspiration to do the spoked wheels. He produced a great set which were used on later model N's and "TN's" with a tapered spoke. The Banshee repaint here had the "straight" spokes which is what I used. I was going to take the easy way out and use the stock wheel covers. But Caz's looked so good I couldn't help but do a set for this repaint. Thanks Caz :salute:

Hope you like,
Thanks Duckie - I thought it was the Iris one.

I don't know if anyone's noticed - and I might be wrong, I've never flown a real one - but the prop appears to be backwards - at least to me..!!

I don't recall the engine being a backwards running one but if it isn't, then the prop gives the appearance that it runs clockwise (looking at it from the front) and not counter-clockwise like most engines would..

Again I might be wrong - and probably am - since no one has said anything about it prior..

Have a good day..

Thanks Duckie - I thought it was the Iris one.

I don't know if anyone's noticed - and I might be wrong, I've never flown a real one - but the prop appears to be backwards - at least to me..!!

I don't recall the engine being a backwards running one but if it isn't, then the prop gives the appearance that it runs clockwise (looking at it from the front) and not counter-clockwise like most engines would..

Again I might be wrong - and probably am - since no one has said anything about it prior..

Have a good day..


HI Bill,

I beleive that has been duscussed in another thread here a few weeks back. There is a config fix to get it turning the "other" direction but I can't search right now. I beleive if you do a search in this forum under P-40 or look at Cazzie's or Wild Bill Kelso you'll probably find it.

Thanks Duckie - I'll look for that when I get home from work...

Getting it to turn the right direction isn't the issue for me - it's making it look correct!!

Even tho it's a "freeware" bird now, I just can't believe they allowed it to go out like that as a "payware"...

Maybe I just pay tooooo much attention to detail!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Thanks Duckie - I'll look for that when I get home from work...

Getting it to turn the right direction isn't the issue for me - it's making it look correct!!

Even tho it's a "freeware" bird now, I just can't believe they allowed it to go out like that as a "payware"...

Maybe I just pay tooooo much attention to detail!!!!!!!!!!! lol


Nah! Not at all. You actually had to get in line for this one! :icon_lol:

Nah! Not at all. You actually had to get in line for this one! :icon_lol:

Well, I just wanted to make sure before I mentioned anything. I just got thinking about it and thought it a little strange that an American built aircraft (except the P-38) turned backwards!!!:banghead:

I've "hand propped" too many airplanes in my life!!!!!!!

Oh well, back to the drawing boards!!!!!

Awesome work, Duckie! :applause:

And although I'm sure you've had some good references, I did some digging for even more Parrots&Banshees.
Here they come:


Note the exhaust's lead crust getting bent by the airflow above the wing!



That's some odd combination of an 80th Group skull (jaw) on the lower cowling panel and some shark's eyes on the upper side!


Duckie i'm going to say to just upload the Kit, i'll inform DB and tell him that I gave you permission to do so, i'll handle the Flak (if there is any.... very very very unlikely there will be) :salute:
Hey Markus,

Thanks for your kind words and thanks for pics. That Parrothead photo is one of my favorites as well as a color line up of PH's at Napier Field, Alabama. A parrothead is next and already in the paint shop.

View attachment 13192


Duckie i'm going to say to just upload the Kit, i'll inform DB and tell him that I gave you permission to do so, i'll handle the Flak (if there is any.... very very very unlikely there will be) :salute:

Hi Smoothie! How ya been?

Thank you. I'll go ahead and upload the paintkit tonight. If there are any concerns from the authors I'll pull it.


been good pal, just back to work on some paints and my Profile artistry... some good looking P-40's there buddy, keep it up :ernae:
Hi, Duckie!

Thanks a lot for this awesome "flying skull"!

I hate to write the following, but I think it has to be noted... :redface:
I think the air intake front side (where the radiator is mounted) caught the wrong colour:


Looks like three huge landing lights, doesn't it?

I've fixed it:


There's a region on P40_5_T.bmp (upper central area) you've left white...
Fixed texture file attached.

Sorry, mate...
