Pascal Dumat has been busy

Hi all,
I have downloaded these chateaus.but they require a password.Are they payware or do you have to ask for them.
my French is not as good as it used to be.

Pascal Dumas scenery activation


Pascal Dumas is definitly a free designer. A great one very well know in France.

You should have to know that Pascal's works have been often spoiled by the past and sold as payware... So he is always trying to protect his job. He wanted a few time to stop everything, but he is a great man and the passion is still alive and offert us always his superb talent.

Well to install his castle sceneries, just click on the "Documentation" on the left top. You will open a PDF file (in French).

You will see a chapter "Installation" and a sentence like :

"Vous devrez également rentrer les codes suivants pour valider la page d'enregistrement :"

just under you will find the codes to install the scenery.

Fell free if you need more help, it would be a pleasure to help you, and a maners to say thank's to Pascal.

Best regards

Thankyou (ou Merci) Gilles, for your explanation, my (very bad) translation of that line
"Vous devrez également rentrer les codes suivants pour valider la page d'enregistrement :"

is "You must enter the codes next in order to validate the licence"



Thankyou (ou Merci) Gilles, for your explanation, my (very bad) translation of that line

is "You must enter the codes next in order to validate the licence"



That's true.

Another important thing. To the Villandry castle scenery works correctly in FS, you have to install Chenonceau scenery first.

Best regards

I love Pascal's scenery. I was amazed when I saw his version from the Mont St.Michel, complete with Tombelaine and fireworks on the 14th of July.

As I have seen most of the Loire castle with my own eyes I will definitely install them all!

Thanks for the HU Pete and for your clarification Gilles, highly appreciated!

For those who don't know Pascal's scenery; I can assure you these are definitely a must have!!!
