Passing along unwelcome news....


Staff member
Hey gang,

It is with a heavy heart that I need to inform the CFS 3 crew that Kasey Miller (Grizzly50) is no longer with us. He was in ill health for some time, but still, the finality of it doesn't make it any easier. You don't find many people in this world who had an incredibly quick mind, an unforgettable laugh, and a similar "bent" on the world. I can't tell you how many laughs we had together on Skype over the course of several years.

I have a call to make this evening, and if there are any additional details I can share, I will add responses to this thread. It was touching to know I and Shadow Wolf 07 (CFS2) were specifically requested to be contacted in a situation like this. I'm of course concerned about his wife and young children.

Rest in Peace, buddy. You are irreplaceable.
Wow, that is shocking news!! :sorrow:

It's always sad to read one of the regulars/old hands is no longer with us. My condolances to his loved ones!

Hello again,

I spoke to a man named Will who contacted me regarding Kasey's death. Apparently, he passed last Tuesday evening, comfortably in his sleep. He has contracted COVID a couple of months ago while at the nursing home where he was, and it weakened his system enough that his body finally gave out.
Sad news indeed. I remember his enthusiasm for everything and how proud he was of his kids. If you have contact with the family, please pass on our condolences.
That’s really sad news, he always struck me as larger than life and his kids are about the same age as two of mine. You’ll be missed, Kasey!
Sorry to hear this also, I knew he wasn't well. We used to fly
MP to test new planes for loadouts, we had fun doing that.

Condolences to the family. RIP Kasey
Really very sad news. Kassey contributed very much to this community in the past doing testing of update packages, putting together some of the readme's and one of the eto expansion updates.

May he find peace and his family comfort in remembering the good times with Kassey.
Grizz has gone !!!

Really sorry to read about this,--- Grizz used to fly with us a lot up to around 2-3 years ago. He helped me many times to sort out CFS-3 game problems and he was definately a character. He was a good flyer too and he would nail you good if you were careless. Thanks for letting folks know.

Bill T (Winco )
Sad news indeed. Kasey put an awful lot into CFS3 and in particular the ETO project.

This community is richer for his time and input.
Man, it's always tough to hear of these things. I had exchanged e-mails with Kasey a few years ago and he struck me as good hearted fellow with a positive personality. I will miss his posts in the forum.
I am very late seeing this news. he was a fine man and a great member of the community. He will be missed. thanks for sharing the news Rami
