Pat Pattles Bob Crashes in Campaign mode


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Gday,iv`e just installed The BoB by Pat Pattle plus the campaign updates and the sorties work fine but the 'FIGHTER" scramble crashes as well as the "Allied'' Campaign,have i missed something here?
Ive sorted the "scramble'' thats ok now but the Campaign still has the "appcrash" bummer!
search the following file: cswap.exe . it enables you to change nationality spawns accordingly with the side your are playing for. See if it fixes
Hi alcanallen, are you using mrjmaint's campaigns, in which case you use one campaign file for flying for the allies, and the other for flying for axis. The spawn sets are created to work for one or the other. Also, make sure you have mrjmaint's updated campaign package for Pat's BoB, not the original one. IIRC, even then there are one or two minor tweaks that can be made to fix things in the spawn files - perhaps a missing campaign objective but it's so long ago that I can't remember the details and it doesn't cause a crash per se anyway.

I must admit that I prefer to modify the stock spawns to give me flavour in the random spawning environment, whatever the install - because of the ongoing problems with crashes if I forget to run some bat file or era swapper or whatever. Its a problem with my ageing, chemo-filled brain! And I can get good variety simply by tweaking stock random air.spawns, ground.spawns, and frontline.spawns, supported with tweaks to facilities intended for frontline spawns.

Hope you get it sorted painlessly
Crash to Desktop seems Sorted

Thanks fellas,i removed the entire spawn folder and replaced it with my ETO Rev5 Spawn folder,now it works.
The other problem with "scramble" was the wrong enemy aircraft,just chose a Me 109 and off it went.
Thanks for the hints.