Patch 1.2 results with XP/SP2...



In a word - outstanding (as in fluid game play)!

I read the "fix" list and didn't see it mentioned by I swear my frame rate is improved as well. I'm seeing +120 at times above 2000 feet and in the 60 to 80 fps range in QC with no wingmen and (1) eneny aircraft. I'm running at 1600x1200 with aircraft and effects sliders at (5) and terrain, scenery and clouds all at (3). In addition I've bumped up my E8400 from 3 GHz to 3.6, and dialed in additional OC for my GTX 260-216 super clock edition card to run at 680 core, 1105 memory (will artifact and/or crash any higher). Also running with 4xAA, 8xAF, Quality and Vsync forced off.

Had a couple of hiccups the first time I tried to start the game after loading the patch though. I opted for QC to begin with to see what changes I could detect and when I clicked on QC it started to load and immediately dumped me back. On the second attempt it got to the "initializing" page and then dumped me back. But the 3rd attempt was OK and haven't noticed any further glitches since (albeit I've only started the game twice so far).

Great job, guys! :applause:
I had FPS increase too! Now, I rarely go under double digits even over multiple airfields. I can now play OFF and have a good baseline to tweak with. I've been playing OFF since P1 came out and I had my hat handed to me like a rookie. I've been shot down by the uber marksman, the occasional AA burst, but I was flying an Eindekker coming to the aid of my mates when a N11 attached himself to my 6 and perforated my butt! What an adrenaline rush! I think I know what the rookie pilots went through. No time even to contemplate fighting back, too busy struggling to control your aircraft so you might survive the crash. And the engine ran rough after getting hit...not slower, but rough! It actually took a few minutes for me to settle down from that combat. Absolutely incredible. Another masterpiece and triumph for OBD! The action is amazing, seeing a flight of 5 enemy approach and three of our bouys wade into them. My rear gunner actually shooting, well and often! Simply astounding. You guys have given me a lot of satisfaction that I thought I would have to wait until I could scrounge up enough money for a system upgrade. You guys bought me some time. Now...back to the front.
Excellent guys immersion went up a notch for various reasons.

Just had a super flight myself, and the feeling of depth to the action : combat report:

2/;4/;1917 ;8h;16 ;Flanders ;Wasquehal ;Patrol Behind Friendly Front Lines ; Flying: Albatros DII. On this day claims: ;1 ;Single Seater Type. ;As we arrived over Varsenaere saw to our North West several Sopwith Camels and Albatros DIII already engaged. Paul Hortz (Wing 3) went after another to the North East and higher. I followed, and saw him and one of our J28w Aces in a DIII on his tail, between then they despatched 1 Camel spinning down in flames out of control. Eventually heading East again I saw 1 Camel fighting off some Jasta 28w below. I dropped to engage, and after lengthy fight managed to fire several dozen rounds into him at 50-100m. Smoke came from him and he was forced down near the woods just West of Varseneare, brilliantly avoiding trees as he curved through to land, but where he eventually crashed into the trees.. as he could not disengage the throttle or was too badly wounded. Witnessed by: Karl Meyer Status.

For your info FPS is mentioned on the downloads page in these:

"FPS improvements (only help PCs that are GPU limited not PCs that are CPU limited - most high end rigs are actually CPU limited in OFF!)"

"Frontline models low LOD reduced to aid FPS over the frontlines"