In a word - outstanding (as in fluid game play)!
I read the "fix" list and didn't see it mentioned by I swear my frame rate is improved as well. I'm seeing +120 at times above 2000 feet and in the 60 to 80 fps range in QC with no wingmen and (1) eneny aircraft. I'm running at 1600x1200 with aircraft and effects sliders at (5) and terrain, scenery and clouds all at (3). In addition I've bumped up my E8400 from 3 GHz to 3.6, and dialed in additional OC for my GTX 260-216 super clock edition card to run at 680 core, 1105 memory (will artifact and/or crash any higher). Also running with 4xAA, 8xAF, Quality and Vsync forced off.
Had a couple of hiccups the first time I tried to start the game after loading the patch though. I opted for QC to begin with to see what changes I could detect and when I clicked on QC it started to load and immediately dumped me back. On the second attempt it got to the "initializing" page and then dumped me back. But the 3rd attempt was OK and haven't noticed any further glitches since (albeit I've only started the game twice so far).
Great job, guys!
I read the "fix" list and didn't see it mentioned by I swear my frame rate is improved as well. I'm seeing +120 at times above 2000 feet and in the 60 to 80 fps range in QC with no wingmen and (1) eneny aircraft. I'm running at 1600x1200 with aircraft and effects sliders at (5) and terrain, scenery and clouds all at (3). In addition I've bumped up my E8400 from 3 GHz to 3.6, and dialed in additional OC for my GTX 260-216 super clock edition card to run at 680 core, 1105 memory (will artifact and/or crash any higher). Also running with 4xAA, 8xAF, Quality and Vsync forced off.
Had a couple of hiccups the first time I tried to start the game after loading the patch though. I opted for QC to begin with to see what changes I could detect and when I clicked on QC it started to load and immediately dumped me back. On the second attempt it got to the "initializing" page and then dumped me back. But the 3rd attempt was OK and haven't noticed any further glitches since (albeit I've only started the game twice so far).
Great job, guys!