Patch 1.2 ROCKS; but what about "next waypoint"?



Man, I love it. I'm seeing my flightmates stick to the target and not fly away. I'm loving that I have my force feedback stick rattling again when I press the gun trigger. I LOVE that I can now get credit for my kills. (Before the patch, the "realism" declined all 14 of my claims.)

I'm HOOKED. You guys have done a great job.

I do notice that SHIFT+W no longer advances the waypoint in my TAC to the next waypoint. Not a huge deal unless I want to use WARP (which I do).

Tonight I went on a balloon busting mission. I blew it to smithereens but the waypoint never advanced. I tried SHIFT+W and nothing. Had to ADVANCE TIME (not WARP) all the way home.

Not even a complaint. It's so minor that it's almost not worth mentioning. The positives waaaay outweigh the quirks.

Love this sim. Thanks a lot.
Only thinking out Loud, if you fly with ( Z ) up, that'll tell your course to target. Fly the reverse for a few minutes, till the blue neon line appears, then Warp :kilroy:
If you're not the Flight Lead, you can't skip waypoints.
If you're not the Flight Lead, you can't skip waypoints.

Ah, I see. On that particular mission, my leader was distracted by two Alb IIs on the way to the balloon. I took out one of them then left my leader to deal with the other while I headed for the balloon (the main objective of the mission). So, while I passed right over the target waypoint, if my leader didn't make it to the waypoint then the waypoint never advances? Got it. Thanks for the help. In the future I'll take better care of my leader. :jump: