Pattonville airstrip


Could anyone direct me to a link for the highly recommended "Pattonville airstrip"? The link here seems to have gone U/S. Thanks.
Hey Stoney. I cannot find a download anywhere either. I do have the file. I can burn to CD and snail mail or copy the contents into about 7 zip files and email (Some assembly required. Really just the scenery and texture folders). The .exe is 60.7MB. No prob either way.
Thank you very much for your generous offer dandog, but I did get the D/L from Rapidshare. Thanks dogknot, that was great!
I need help from somone who can translate German. I downloaded a patch for supposedly for Pattonville from the site before it went under but I don't speak German so I don't know how necessary it is, haven't installed it yet. here is the read me

1. Die Datei "SG1_fix.cmd" in das Hauptverzeichnis des Flugsimulators kopieren
2. Die Datei durch Doppelklick ausführen
3. Nach erfolgreicher Ausführung sollte sich das Fenster automatisch schliessen,
die in das Hauptverzeichnis kopierte Datei löscht sich selbstständig
Zur Wiederherstellung der geänderten Daten das selbe mit der Datei "SG1_fix_reinstall.cmd"
Bei Problemen einfach kurz per Email an wenden.

zipped file is small, just the read me and a couple of dll's only about 1.22 KB so if it's useful or needed, hopefully somone can tell me if I need it
I need help from somone who can translate German.

My turn now! :icon_lol:

1. Die Datei "SG1_fix.cmd" in das Hauptverzeichnis des Flugsimulators kopieren

Copy file "SG1_fix.cmd" to the Flightsim root folder

2. Die Datei durch Doppelklick ausführen

Execute by doubleclicking

3. Nach erfolgreicher Ausführung sollte sich das Fenster automatisch schliessen, die in das Hauptverzeichnis kopierte Datei löscht sich selbstständig

After successful execution, the window should close automatically, file deletes afterwards.

Zur Wiederherstellung der geänderten Daten das selbe mit der Datei "SG1_fix_reinstall.cmd"

To recover the state before, do the same with the file "SG1_fix_reinstall.cmd"

Glad I could help.

Just checked the zipfile:

This patch seems to be made for use of Pattonville in combination with Aerosoft's "Scenery Germany" payware addon. So there will be no need to run the fix without having SG installed!
I just downloaded. Before I install, I was wondering, I have a 50s/60s setup currently. Will this fit ok or is it totally modern? There aren't any screenies. Thanks.