Payware mesh and bang?


Retired SOH Admin
I have 3 more weekly payments to make...and new-to-me car will be paid off! Then I can begin setting aside a 5 or 10 bill each week toward the purchase of a payware mesh and/or ground scenery package. What payware mesh and ground scenery (meaning, the actual ground covering...grass, rocks, sand and such) give the best bang for the buck?

I am currently using some nice freeware mesh (Rhumbaflappy, FS Genesis freeware US mesh, Meshman's Hawaii mesh, some nice mesh for Greece...though I can't remember who did it or where I got it)...have been happy enough with this combination of mesh.....but looking to take my sim to a new level.

In terms of ground textures, I use the files from Golden Wings with a few other packages thrown in here and there. Again, have been mostly happy with this set up...but looking for better.

I am not doing much sim flying right now due to my 6-day work week.....but when I get the chance to fire the sim up, I want my socks knocked OFF!

The best mesh is at FSGenesis. No contest. World scenery is a matter of taste. I used to use Ground Environment Pro which is very nice but switched to FScene. Just like it better. Ultimate Terrain adds a lot. If you like to fly in the Pac NW then all of FS Addon (Sandmann) stuff is good.
Thanks Rich.....for less than $100 I can get the FS Genesis mesh for the US and the FS Scene pack to repaint the entire world. Will keep those irons in the fire.
