PBY5 and PBY5A Aircraft Problem with XML's


Charter Member
I have downloaded the above aircraft and loaded them. When I open the Theatre I am informed that they did not load because of problem with Aircraft.xml?

When I review each Aircraft.xml I get the following dialogue:

TK_PBY5A_DH_Y: Line 85- Requested white space was missing."One aircraft from each squadron was to ..........................."

TK_PBY5_W_QZ : Line 83- Requested white space was missing. "Scottish RAF Catalina pilot, Flying Off..............................."

What do I do?

My first question is what: " Requested white space was missing?"

Your help would be appreciated.


Are you using software to review the files or is the message generated by CFS3? I use XMLWrench to review xdps or xml files. It is freeware.

When you get an error in XMLWrench, it gives a line and a position. So you can go through the file to identify the specific point where there is a syntax problem (could be caused by a missing / or > at some point earlier in the file).

If you paste a few lines of the xdp file in this thread (before and after lines 83, 85), we may be able to spot the syntax problem.