PBY5 or higher Catalina

The Alphasim version is not bad but it is rather dated.
Flies fairly well, but they did cock up the versions in the usual 'one size fits all' Alpha way.
Mike Stone's Cat is OK but is a little basic, then again, it costs nothing ......... :d
There's also Abacus one with paints by Garry J Smith. Comes in both flavors Fs9 and FSX. You can even take her out on a free 7 day trial.
Seem to cant locate my Fs9 screenies of the Abacus PbY. But heres some from FSX.


In my opion the Abacus one rules in Fs9 and the jury is out in FSX as we await the aerosoft version for comparison. But in FSX i like the abacus over alphasim, this abacus pby is very much more fluid then alphasim's and less taxing on the GPU and CPU for both sims and has a VC.
Some old piccies of the Dutch AlphaSim Cat. There's a more correct repaint for this also I think.


I have both the AlphaSim and Abacus PBYs and both are very good. My preference runs to AS because I like the panel better and I love the 'militarized' versions (Abacus is more 'civilianized'). Either one is a great add-on. Or better yet, get both.:costumes:

From the and or req fs9 , fsx. I'd take the abacus one as it does stae both sims and cost about 5 dollars less and comes in download or cd version your choice. Ive made a note about Hell Divers front turret question. Will see what abacus says and if I can get them to do a model update. Speaken of Abacus looks like they have some bargins sale going on. I just saw a mig 29 that has my card getting warm.
We dont need guns, that's what we have a Hitron Mh64 for . Helo's make better platform for stopping smuggleing and drugs.
There were several models of the PBY, and most had the nose turrent, but there was at least one that didn't. As pictured in that last post, some even had hard points on the wings to carry bombs and torpedoes for anti-ship and anti-sub patrols. Of course the tow side bubbles also had .50 cal machine guns mounted for defense.
... some even had hard points on the wings to carry bombs and torpedoes for anti-ship and anti-sub patrols...


the PBYs were used extensively for this purpose. As a matter of fact, the conducted the only successful US torpedo attack during the battle of Midway: they sunk a transport during a night attack the night before the carrier battle.

Best regards,
Hum the last set of pics dont show hard points on wings to me. Looks rather like radio antennas to me. Very workable theory, considering ASW and Observation com to main fleet.