
with the PBY,Defiant and Hurricane Mkiv coming up it looks like a good winter,that Walrus looks interesting too.Nacht,the PBY looks excellent and i'd like to thank you for the Ju388,it is a great aircraft to fly.
:kilroy: Blending the fuselage to tail root looks a pig to do right - are you sure it's there yet?

This not my model. I am just cleaning up small pieces of it and converting it over to CFS3. The tail is a problem and I may or not fix it depending on how much time I want to spend on the model. I envision this model to be on the same level as the Stirling, and Manchester. To fix it I will have to start from scratch on the aft fuselage. If you want to finish the model I'll be glad to send it to you. :wavey: When I agreed to convert this model I had no intention of fixing that part. I have other things I'd rather be working on. :icon29: Like hoisting a few of these!

Knowing me I will fix it but I am not sure if I will. :isadizzy:
Beg your pardon Ted, I don't mean to nitpick especially if it's not your work originally. Me and my big mouth!
I hope you do find some time to hoist a couple.

No issue with me. I am sorry if that came across a bit ruffled. :ernae: I am just frustrated with the pby since it is a good model, but the tail section needs work. Just may have to fix it just because it is there!
New Update

Slip - Thanks for the inspiration. :ernae: I looked at the again and said I'll just have to stay sober tonight and get it right. But look out tomorrow night!!! The Wild Turkey will gobble!
ted once you get this working i'll buy you a bottle and ship it!!! :icon29: i have a very special reason for wanting this plane. i'll tell it,but after its on screen. we don't need the catalina curse poping up again.all my fingers are crossed for luck. :ernae:

Slip - You're on! 101 proof!

I am currently planning on a 5b for both ETO and PTO. All will have some type of asv radar antenna. It will have the single 30 cal in the nose and the 50's on the sides. Pylons for bombs and torpedoes. The tunnel gun is going to be hard to model correctly due to the limitations of the game.

Do you have a special one in mind. You can PM me if you want.
you got it ted. 5b is just fine .i'd even be happy with model 1.once john has got in his hands pm me you home address. and you can gobble as long as it lasts.
never getting finished,every time it gets metioned on line. and then disapearing. as mathis called it "neverware. came here 6 years ago looking for it and a p61.always a w.i.p. the last time we even saw screen shots of it in maw. but i never arrived at its destination lol. so i named the pattern.the curse of the catilina.
steve i think 3 got started over the years.and one reached completetion. those were the screen shots in maw.this is the longest one to remain openenly talked about during building/clean up lol.
so i made the deal with ted to get this one finished and released.
And we're grateful the deal has been done! The tail does look better now: if Slip has any of that inspiration left over for VC work on a long-running Tempest wip, I'd be grateful... :isadizzy:

Steve is working on the interior components. He is waiting on me to get the externals squared away. I'll get that done soon. I have found a way to get the cat to take off from the water. It messes with the flightmodel a bit but at least it works now.

If others with float planes want to know send me a pm.
I have faith in you ted.knew you could do it.and thank you steve for helping with getting this completed.maybe ted will share a shot of the wildman juice lol.sorry H.S. theres only one more plane i'd make this deal for,the p61. funds :icon29: are set aside ted ! :applause:
My dear chap, I never touch the stuff: it's inspiration, not motivation, I hope for! :icon_lol:

Oh well, back to gmax. :running: