PC Pilot X-plane 11


Charter Member
Just downloaded the latest issue and it’s mainly XP-11. Interviews with Colin at milviz and also John at Orbz.

Seeing more and more XP-11 in print, on the net! And flight sim sites.
Yeah I have noticed it with PC Pilot for a while, but they are adding even more XP11 content. You are right about seeing it every where else too. XP11 seems to have exploded over the past year. More and more major developers are designing or converting products for it and there seem to be many vocal users of it :adoration:.

I just installed X Plane for the first time about a month ago, and I have to say, I am happy I jumped on that band wagon. I won't be giving up any other sims for it though :encouragement:.
I don't find any flightsim I have put on computers for other people's computers any better than X-Plane 11. I have installed them all and played with them all, but I really am looking forward to the day when I can upgrade my own to fly XP 11. Right now I use XP10 and for the most part with all the free and payware scenery I have it looking really nice-but it isn't XP11. I would probably use it 85 to 90% of the time. What's funny is that I used to hate it...LOL!
Personally, I can see why it "Exploded over the last year". The sim is very well done, surpassing P3D in many areas. Not the least of these is the ever elusive FPS. (Tongue in Cheek) I Have been extremely satisfied with the performance of X-Plane 11. I am working on a scenery for NAS/NS Norfolk for X-Plane and if I put this sort of detail into a scenery for FSX/P3D, my FPS would be a slide show.
X-Plane does have it's deficiencies though. (No Sim is perfect) Foremost among these is the "Built In" AI traffic. Also, X-Plane is not for those with lower end computers. To get the full benefit you need a pretty good machine.
Same problem that P3Dv4 has; in fact I get better FPS in X-Plane 11!

Remember when FSX was released? Look at the then minimum system requirements and then compare it to what it takes to run decently even now!

First, Laminar developed a rich and fertile world for us to fly over with forests and deserts and seas and ever changing skies. Then they gave us cities and airports to land at and fly over, and then they gave us lights for the night and traffic for the highways. then they gave us background haze to make the air as realistic as possible and water droplets on the windscreen during rain storms. Then they gave us buildings we could walk into, with people walking around and various things to see and watch. And then they gave us VR.
Laminar is assaulting the flight sim world with the most powerful simulation imaginable. Buildings you can enter? People in the buildings, and airport and weather environments that almost match real?? wow.. Why does this give me the sensation that someday, we'll have X-World where your avatar wakes up at home, drives or takes the train to the airport where you check in and turn in you flight plan, and then walk to your airplane outside???
First, Laminar developed a rich and fertile world for us to fly over with forests and deserts and seas and ever changing skies. Then they gave us cities and airports to land at and fly over, and then they gave us lights for the night and traffic for the highways. then they gave us background haze to make the air as realistic as possible and water droplets on the windscreen during rain storms. Then they gave us buildings we could walk into, with people walking around and various things to see and watch. And then they gave us VR.
Laminar is assaulting the flight sim world with the most powerful simulation imaginable. Buildings you can enter? People in the buildings, and airport and weather environments that almost match real?? wow.. Why does this give me the sensation that someday, we'll have X-World where your avatar wakes up at home, drives or takes the train to the airport where you check in and turn in you flight plan, and then walk to your airplane outside???

That would be fantastic like a RPG and flight simulator all in one!
Lots of good info on 11.30. Looks like 500 new 3d airports, realistic particle contrails, smoke and fire, and a new aircraft that's supposed to knock our socks off. Still working on atc although more realistic voices. Looking forward to it.
Why does this give me the sensation that someday, we'll have X-World where your avatar wakes up at home, drives or takes the train to the airport where you check in and turn in you flight plan, and then walk to your airplane outside???

Knowing LR, ATC would still be awful.
According to the head moderator at X-Plane.org Austin has hired an outside firm to do the ATC...
It would be awesome if they could introduce some type of voice commanded ATC, similar to VoxATC. It's probably a big ask, but not unreasonable to expect it would be implemented in some future version or update.
I've tried default ATC on a GA flight yesterday and it wasn't half bad. Only managed to get my clearance when airborne because my departure field was uncontrolled and the vectoring seemed to ignore my waypoints. But on the other hand, I got no complaints when ignoring the heading instructions in turn. Vectors to land at my destination were also okay.

Wouldn't try it with an airliner though, although 124th ATC also has its share of dumb moments and needs to be cheated in order to fly a STAR.

Let's hope LR manages to come up with something, if only for GA usage for now.