PD3 utilities recomendations


I have just built a new PD3 computer. I plan on purchasing a developer's license, so I can get two copies of PD3 to use in a network configuration. I haven't used PD3 since version 1.4. I have been scanning this forum off and on to keep up with the latest and have seen several third party add ons mentioned.

So, with a new install of PD3 V 2.4, what do you guys recommend? With FSX I used FSUIPC, FSGenesis mesh, GTX, Ultimate Terrain, and several of the FTX products. I also used REX for clouds and water. Do I still need these? Or, has anything replace one or more of the above?

Thanks for the recommendations.
Sadly you won't get much response here. For the most part, aside from brief flurries of activity over a recent upgrade from LM or something similar, the forum is really dead. I think most remain over on the FSX forums just because there's more activity there on a daily basis. You might eventually get some replies but it won't be the quick responses you're used to in the FSX or FS9 forums. My enthusiasm for Flight Simming is dying off so I haven't really invested as much in P3D as I had in the earlier sims. . .not much help I'm afraid.
As far I know GTX, UTX are not officially for P3DV2.4. I use REX, FTX Global, Vector, FSUIPC, Instant Scenery 3, ADEXP in short. I also Active Sky Next as my backup for only there WX engine.
Actually, the content included in P3D is more or less the same than in FSX.
That means you still need improvements for the meshes, textures and landclass.

First of all, I would focus on FSUIPC, that's the very first thing to install.
The mesh products that you had for your FSX will be re-usable in your P3D, so no need to re-buy these.
For the ground textures, a big part of the simmers (if not the majority) are using FTX global. For this one, I believe you have to buy the P3D-specific product, for licence and installer-related compatibility.

For sky and water, be very careful. If I'm not mistaken, not all of REX products will work in P3D. I'm not even sure if any of them work, so please take you time to check their forums to seek for feedback.
Some weather programs are also incompatible. Active Sky Next gets a lot of very positive comments, and there is a version which is made for P3D 2.4 on their website.

Concerning the planes, once again be very careful. A lot of the "complex" planes (with special systems/gauges) won't work at all. Some other well known products are not compatible, like VRS Hornet and the PMDG birds (both of which will get a P3D version in the "near" future... some months/years, i don't know). FS9 planes won't work anymore. They will display ok, but the virtual cockpits will not be clickable anymore, so they will be useless.
Thank you guys for the information.A special thanks to Falcon for opening the gate. :)

This is good information. I am not worried with a lot of the old legacy aircraft. I mostly fly maybe a half dozen aircraft. I saw on Flightsim that UTX is comping out with a USA PD3 version. I do see REX advertising on the Lockheed Martin PD3 site, so I am assuming that they offer a PD3 suitable product.
My enthusiasm for Flight Simming is dying off so I haven't really invested as much in P3D as I had in the earlier sims. . .not much help I'm afraid.

FSimming IS in trouble if you have lost your enthusiasm.

I have too to some extent, but I don't contribute in any way. It is a shame when those who do drift away. For me there is something missing in P3D so I do not enjoy using it. I recently got peeved with FSX over its inability to DX10 properly and formatted its drive. So presently relying on FS9 and a rediscovery of Falcon BMS thanks to Navy Chief. That really is a great sim and so in depth.
I work on V2.4 Professional with FSUIPC, SPAD (for Saitek the panels), FSRealWX for weather downloads, REX Texture direct for cloud / ground textures, FSRecorder or the NVIDIA tool to record videos.
SweetFX for alternative shaders. A2A Accufeel works great.

My A2A (AF and Accusim) planes all work, as do the Vertigo and JF products (of which some are P3D defaults, but I also have the Zero and the Wildcat). Aerosofts Catalina and OV-10 are flawless.

For my scenery design I use SBuilderX 64bit, and ADEP.

Unfortunatly, Estonias P3D Migrator tool crashes my OS (upon starting the installer the OS freezes completely, no BSOD - this is the only application I ever encountered that is able to drive 64bit OS against the wall).

I wanted to make a sticky with products / addons here but am not sure if that would be practical, since we would need a new version for each new stepping of P3D and that would require some participation because I don't use everything that's out there myself..

I agree that this forum is not overly active, however, if someone has questions or problems arise, you usually will always get a fast answer here. The FSX forum on SOH has traditionally been a mainstay for a long time and as long as P3D is more or less compatible to FSX it will be a first entry point for many P3D users, myself included.

As with most things in life, I find that my interest ing flight simming waxes and wains. I have never given up completely. Over the last few years I haven't been active on the forums. However, I still scanned them and flew on occasion. Life sometimes gets in the way of hobbies.

I am excited about the possibilities of PD3. One of the reasons I am going with the developers version is that I am not sure if I purchase V2.4 they won't come out with 3.0 six months later and then I will have to purchase it all over again. I certainly want and will purchase the 64 bit version, when it is released. In the meanwhile, with two copies, I can experiment all I wish.

Thank you mark for you additions to the list of possible utilities which will work in PD3.
I'd recommend getting SimLauncher X as a very nice replacement for the built in GUI
Its freeware and you should be able to find it at most of the big sites such as avsim, flightsim.com etc.