I had put this thread down before but the powers that be shut it right off. But I still think it's important to say.
December 7th - "A day that will live in infamy". It propelled the isolationist United States, kicking and screaming, into World War II. The 3,000 killed at Pearl Harbor was just the tip of the spear that was followed by thousands of deaths given in aid of the country.
The country was driven overnight to a wartime way of life and everything was dedicated to winning the war.
The women sang, "They're Either too Young or Too Old" as every man that was fit, joined the service. It caused this sixteen year old kid to join the Navy, - just to kill Japs. - All the Navy wanted was bodies and didn't look too hard at them.
People at home went without. Gasoline was restricted to five gallons a month. This is with cars that only gave 10 miles to a gallon. Meat, Coffee, Butter, Eggs and even Cigarettes would require a ration stamp, providing these items were available.
It was a terrible day and something I hope is not repeated. But it should be remembered.
Just in case we forget.