Pearl Harbour Battleships Requested


Charter Member
I am working on a custom waterclass for Pearl Harbour and I would dearly like to have some good Battleships to anchor in the harbour for colour comparison and testing. Can someone please share the best CFS2 US Battleship models you can? I know there are some superior models floating about and I really would like to have them available to us ....the old PHP 1 project ships were good in their day but I really hope we can liberate some newer models for this important location. Thanks for any help on this. Much appreciated. The excellent new PHP2 deserves a good fleet.

And, the older set, is not downloading from simaviation any more and that appears to be the only place it exists as it has gone from our library here. The only US Battleship I can locate is the VN Mass. I had thought there was an updated Arizona about but no joy so far. I dont plam Uzio for not making them :)

The original PHP ship set included:

Tennessee class BB - USS California, USS Tennessee Pennsylvania class BB- USS Arizona, USS Pennsylvania Nevada class BB - USS Nevada, USS Oklahoma Colorado class BB- USS Maryland, USS West Virginia Omaha class CL- USS Raleigh, USS Detroit Brooklyn class CL - USS Honolulu, USS Phoenix St. Louis class CL - USS Helena, USS St. Louis Florida class BB- Target ship USS Utah

we can suppliment with the DDs and CAs and CLs that Usio did make, and the great support ships and harbour service vessels that Sully has made and the merchants that Colin and others have created..pluse the great subs that Tango Romeo has made and good PBYs and planes for the airflelds...but the Battleships are sorely needed.

Ships are a special aspect of the Navy ...even of Naval air, you live on the, they are your home, and your identity...with few exceptions, you dd not crew LIVE on planes. And the ships of this historic time were special in addition, and remained so as long as they were in service after.... even if we could update the VN ships with new deck textures and improvements that could suffice..but i have heard that there are better BBs about and just hope to get them into our library so we can have them in the sim.


chart of ship anchorages December 7


Are these the type of ships you want? I believe that I have all the have the Virtual Navy ships in my Mothball fleet. Resend your addy to me and I wiil give you them all if you want.
Thank you those are the original set, i can work with those and see if i can update them ...appreciate it very much. I will take a look at the models and the textures and see how things are. When I tired them some time ago they were pretty basic but i do appreciate having a chance to look them over again.
The only PHP ships that are around are the old PHP1 ships. They are here at SOH in my PHP2 mission package.

Cris I am the one that told you about the newer ships you are looking for but I also told you they have not been released because they were never completed.

I have some of the newer PHP2 battleships form about 5 years ago but I can't release them because they are not my work. They were sent to me for the mission work I was doing. Newer ones were being worked on the last 2 years and these are the ones that were supposed to be released for PHP2. They have never been completed because of Real Life issues.

All that I've said in this post I explained to you several months ago.

Thank you Talon, i don't always remember things which is partly due to old age and partly because i just dont always hear everthing for one reason or another. thanks for the update. I hope that perhaps the interim set of ships which may not be as detailed as the newest but better than the old ones can be released. In the meantime ..having looked at the original set i see that the textures need to be lightened and there is some detailing i may be able to do to bring them up a bit..and i can gather the other ships needed to make a complete and accurate harbour scene with all the destroyers, subs in their nests, LSTs and other landing ships in the East Loch, service and salvage ships, merchants and support ships and put in real wharfs, docks, ancillary piers, refueling facilities, the anchoring buoys for the Battleship row, pilings, and some detailing to the airfields, aging of the textures to make them look additonaly realistic, and all the static planes which were parked wing tip to wing tip as a security measure against expected land based sabotage and vehicles... that will give me plenty to do as i hope to make both a layout and a BGL of the final set up, both before and after the attack, as we have Sully's sunken ship hulls and oil slicks and with some of Ghostpony's special effects including the volcano i think we can get close to accuracy both prior and after...

It will be a good learning experience.
A suggestion Cris-Be very careful about what you add.If you add to much the FPS will drop drastically. One of the reasons not all the ships were not in the Harbor was because of FPS.
You will also have to add them through GSL without messing up what's already in,it's not an easy job.

As for the newer ships I think I might be the only one that have them. They are only an upgrade to the original php1 ships.


Try again - I just clicked your own link and got the from Simviation without any problems, so maybe it was just a temporary problem when you tried it. Otherwise it is now on my HD.