Peenemunde Missions uploaded


Charter Member
I have just up loaded the next set of Peenemunde Missions.. For ETO 1.20..They are defence missions with the Luftwaffe trying to Keep Peenemunde safe..
They are NOT for the faint of heart..They are Heavy on the action..
I recomemd the Zoom and Boom Attack..
One is a Me 262a The other is a Do 335 b2 ONLY stock aircraft are used..No add ons needed..I've included everythig in the Mission file as needed.....You of course can use whatever you wish to fly them..
A GREAT THANK YOU to the People who give us all this GREAT Add-on..
To The People at the ETO site .. We are are in your Debt.
I hope all will enjoy these missions very much..I have had a GREAT Time flying them myself..Your comments are Most Welcome..Any ideas are also welcome..

I put them as USA.. OPPS..But hey are German..Sorry about that..
thanks for continueing to build missions for that the guys have a flyable b24, hopefully you could scribe some for it. Ploesti comes to mind.yes i know we don't have the map.other locations might substitute for it .
Ploesti is a great idea, Perhaps in MAW this time?? I haven't done alot for that one yet..It is just sitting there looking pretty..But I gress in ETO also would work..Thanks for the idea Slip Stream..
I'll e-mail you so we can work this out..Never throught of it..Attacking the refinery's set up as a Historical mission would be Good..I have to get some info on the real mission..I'll look online for it..This could be fun..
I should have the Escort missions for Peenemude finished in a day or two..I have the basic stuff done it just needs a little inprovement yet..:applause:
Flyer 01,
It will take the Admin a day or two to post them..I'll send copies to you if you like..PM me with your E-mail and I'll see you get them..:wavey:

your da man the up loaded and locked ,im flying high

THINK im missing something ....wont work for me ,,,,maybe others can comment

:isadizzy:Me too, The me262s had a typo in em, but that was easy to fix. Ran em through MB they checked out ok, but in the game when go to fly, nothing happens. Have to power down pc to get out of it.
:isadizzy:Me too, The me262s had a typo in em, but that was easy to fix. Ran em through MB they checked out ok, but in the game when go to fly, nothing happens. Have to power down pc to get out of it.

Pop back into MB and make sure they are saved as single player missions and not a combo single/multi. I had one fellow download some of my missions and the same thing happened to him. Once saved as single player only they flew OK


thnak you will edit stated

joshua /lb

LB I can't get em to work, even after the edit, they do go 1nto 1944 whatif missions, correct? Strange I can run them thru MB with no problems. Gota be something else causing em not to work,
might be something to do with facilites in mission and ones recd maybe missing some well edit the planes.... will check also facilities in missions and ones recd

screw around with it

the facilities used in missions and the facilities included might be missing

<Facility ID="9654" Type="mill_town_large2B" Lat="N54*8'46.7276"" Lon="E13*48'4.5184"" heading="0" Country="Germany"/>

in the attached facilities included in ths zip file pls verifity
<Facility ID="9654" Type="mill_town_large2B" Lat="N54*8'46.7276"" Lon="E13*48'4.5184"" heading="0" Country="Germany"/>

once i removed this and editied / the me262 plane it worked fine .........

so for me the missing facility . is what was the issue for me removed it till i can get an updated missing ..........facility

<Facility ID="9654" Type="mill_town_large2B" Lat="N54*8'46.7276"" Lon="E13*48'4.5184"" heading="0" Country="Germany"/>

once i removed this and editied / the me262 plane it worked fine .........

so for me the missing facility . is what was the issue for me removed it till i can get an updated missing ..........facility


Like loverboy1 said.

I uploaded the Peenemude Me_262a_1a and the Missing facility.. mill_town_large2B.. For all who need them Sorry about that, I get the Me262_1a stock and this one confused when I set it up..They will be up-Loaded into CFS 3 Repaints Stand Alone aircraft...peenemunde_me_262a_1a_
I've been staring at all of this too long LOL..Please Forgive My foolish mistake..I hope this Has caused no one any great problems..
I shall have a stern word with the Hobbit that built all of this and give him (myself) a complete tongue lashing..No Hobbit snacks tonite..

I hope this Helps..:ernae:
The corrected files are at the ETO/PTO site ready for download NOW..Also posted here (Take admin a day or two here to post)
Copy and paste this Link:

At the ETO/PTO Missions downloads section..NOW..
also uploaded here: (Will take admin a day or two here to post..)

Congrat:guinness:,everything works fine with me:jump:.
these missions are truly Great and lots of fun :ernae: