Pekin Duck has cooked his goose...Duck for cover!

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nigel richards

Charter Member
Everyone round here knows I have a 'healthy' appetite for humour.
Having read the various comments on the 'stolen' DUCK scandel and reading (trying to read would be more accurate) what these 'Icarus" people were saying about the Duck, my initial response was anger and indignation.
However a quote from the semi-literate forums of these foolishly irresponsible folk quickly reveals their true nature and itellect.
Finally I could only resort to recognizing the ridiculous. Perhaps they might seek advice from Michael Palin or John Cleese...always look on the bright side of life...
There again, perhaps not!

Below is an extract by the Icarus 'Super Administrator'
(Wow, new one on there are some admins dead jealous of a title like that)

"A very sad and at the same time enraging annoucement to make..
Dear moderators and Administrators:
I bring this in the open and public since we caught RED HANDED 2 members of this very same community sharing links to illegal downloads of our latest release.
You 2 low life scum, i know who you´re, i expect some admin or mod to contact me ASAP with the proofs i have.
I´m also aware i´m not the sole victim of these low life...and one of them, YOU "SIR" SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, YOU´RE A DISGRACE TO THAT UNIFORM YOU ONCE WORE AND TO ALL YOUR COLLEAGUES
You 2 characters, are the kind of rats that this community should fight to banish from our hobby."

"This is nothing new to me..also on past we catch many from that websites that exchanged our product as ACTUALLY happens with our last product. For this reason we Asked the cancellation of our account at SIM-OUTHOUSE.COM because member's conduct + many others things.
So you will never find a post about product or something else there, it's a place we will avoid accurately."

I'm pleased that SOH have a thorough and responsible group of staff that were prompt in looking into this little mess and can only agree that these misguided individuals should consider themselves fortunate in not having a handful of lawsuits looming upon them.
Totally agree Nigel, the man is laughable - I made similar comments to you on another thread, the only way to deal with this man is to treat him with the contempt he deserves; and he certainly won't be seeing any of my hard earned, not that he ever did due to the 'quality' of product.

Norab's comments about Facebook are interesting, I shall certainly be registering a complaint with them at some point today.
Totally agree Nigel, the man is laughable - I made similar comments to you on another thread, the only way to deal with this man is to treat him with the contempt he deserves; and he certainly won't be seeing any of my hard earned, not that he ever did due to the 'quality' of product.

Norab's comments about Facebook are interesting, I shall certainly be registering a complaint with them at some point today.

Just read the thread and Norab's comments. Spot on my friend!

"Actually what makes it even funnier is if you click on his "Satisfied Customers" link; for all he professes to despise SOH he is quite happy to post two good reviews of the Duck citing SOH as the source of the review!!! "
...nice one AndyG43

...and if you read the rest of the comments on his 'forum' it gets better (or worse...) it'll get you quacking up with mirth.
I just wonder how many sales he's missing out on from all the 'evil' SOH members because of his childish rants?

some people are just idiots.

even more bizarre is that the quote on their site isn't even them, it was Razbam with what I presume is a legitimate claim on piracy (that is up to Ron and the Admin). So his ranting isn't even related to the duck, one of his products, or even himself. LAUGHABLE!! indeed, immensely so.

I'm not making it up, the best comedy comes from real life....


so seems we're playing game B here.... ready?



Folks...I think this horse has been flogged to death already. So, lets just move on, enjoy our flight simming, and wait for a new horse to come along.

With that, I am burying this carcass.

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