Percival D2 Gull Four

Thanks for the heads up Mick. I've always admired Percival's Gull series, and thanks to Keith Paine, we can enjoy flying them in FS9.
OMG! That's beautiful! I'll be flying her tonight in my GW3. Thanks Dev One, I don't see how you do such superb work on these wonderful British aircraft. :applause:
Looks lovely Keith.

And I see you had a letter published in the latest edition of Aeroplane magazine.

Didn't realise your uncle was Ron Paine!


And those old enough would know my father as his elder brother 'Buster'.
Have yet to receive this months copy of Aeroplane - possibly delayed because of Bastille day!
I have uploaded a repaint for the Gull to Separate files for FS9 and FSX.


Peter W
I have uploaded a repaint for the Gull to Separate files for FS9 and FSX.
Great job Peter! :ernaehrung004:

I'd been hoping for a pre-war skin and I had a feeling that you'd be the one to provide it.

Now I'm hoping for more, and I hope you're working on some.

Maybe the skin provided with the model is pre-war but I don't know. It depicts a modern restoration and I don't know if the restorers painted it like it was back then. I suspect not, but does anyone know?
... I see you had a letter published in the latest edition of Aeroplane...
How I miss seeing Aerioplane! Back in the day I used to buy it off the rack at my favorite hobby shop. That was decades ago, and I still have every issue I bought back then.

Now it's no longer available that way, the rate of exchange is highly unfavorable, and subscriptions have become insanely, prohibitively expensive on this side of the pond. Sad!

If I could still get Aeroplane, maybe I wouldn't have to ask the question I posed in the above post.
Great job Peter! :ernaehrung004:

I'd been hoping for a pre-war skin and I had a feeling that you'd be the one to provide it.

Now I'm hoping for more, and I hope you're working on some.

Maybe the skin provided with the model is pre-war but I don't know. It depicts a modern restoration and I don't know if the restorers painted it like it was back then. I suspect not, but does anyone know?
Hi Mick, Yes that is the scheme it was painted in when delivered to Sir Phillip Sassoon in 1933! I will be doing a few more and have a few Gull 6 paints earmarked for when Keith releases that model too!
:ernaehrung004: Peter

Maybe the skin provided with the model is pre-war but I don't know. It depicts a modern restoration and I don't know if the restorers painted it like it was back then. I suspect not, but does anyone know?

The skin I released for VH-UTP is the modern version as far as I can tell, although it was red & white in the 50's but without the flash. Some photos at It's difficult to read colour from old B+W photos! I'm sure that G-ABUR wore the two schemes I published.
For your info I'm working on VH-CCM as she is post restoration.
Hi Mick, Yes that is the scheme it was painted in when delivered to Sir Phillip Sassoon in 1933! I will be doing a few more and have a few Gull 6 paints earmarked for when Keith releases that model too!

Thanks Peter,

And thanks for the paint job, and the many others of so many classics that grace my GW hangar.

The skin I released for VH-UTP is the modern version as far as I can tell, although it was red & white in the 50's but without the flash. Some photos at It's difficult to read colour from old B+W photos! I'm sure that G-ABUR wore the two schemes I published.
For your info I'm working on VH-CCM as she is post restoration.

Thanks Keith,

The Gulls seem timeless, and they fit right into both my Golden Wings and Classic Era sims. I like to fly them in Froggy's Vintage Scotland and my Classic Scotland modification of it. It's nice to have contemporary skins for both eras.
Second paint for the Gull 4. Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith's 'Miss Southern Cross' G-ACJV, record England to Australia flight in October 1933.

