Percival Mew Gull Question


Staff member
This is for anyone who has Lee Hall's version. An excellent freeware model with VC and 2D. . .all gauges appear to be supplied but nothing shows in the VC, even though there is an extensive VC section in the panel.cfg file. Before I write to Lee, has anyone had this airplane and had this problem. . .or anyone currently using it and found a fix? Thanks.:salute:

from the documents enclosed.

Note well! There is as yet NO VIRTUAL COCKPIT. Much of the groundwork has been done, but all the instruments still need to be animated. If some kind soul would like the job, they are welcome; otherwise it is somewhere on the list of things to do for Version II...

It took me a while to find this, lol. I searched the model, there is no gauge plane(poly) with the associated $dh88_x.bmp. So we can't readily improvise one. To take it further would require the source model or some very nasty SCASM editing. (yes, contrary to previously stated, you can add a dynamic VC to an aircraft, it's just as far from bloody easy as you can get, lol, almost easier to start the project from scratch yourself).


from the documents enclosed.

It took me a while to find this, lol. I searched the model, there is no gauge plane(poly) with the associated $dh88_x.bmp. So we can't readily improvise one. To take it further would require the source model or some very nasty SCASM editing. (yes, contrary to previously stated, you can add a dynamic VC to an aircraft, it's just as far from bloody easy as you can get, lol, almost easier to start the project from scratch yourself).

Thanks Jamie. . .I took one look at the list of documents and went looking elsewhere, lol. On to something different I guess.:salute:
Hi all,

I couldn't find the model by Michel Migaud, could someone please post the link?

Edit: Found it here, should have looked here first!
