Pesky issue when closing FS2004


Tiller of Soil
Hi Guys,

I recently installed FS2004 onto my lap top. Well, "installed" may not quite be the word to use. I actually just copied my old install from a external back-up drive to the laptop.

For years I had it installed on my recently deceased desktop computer and every thing was fine.

Everything is fine with this laptop install, too. The sim runs just fine- except for one annoying little hiccup.

Every time I close FS2004 I get the following messages:

First this one:

No problem. I click "Close the program" and that message window closes. Then a few seconds later a second message pops up:

Again, no problem. I click "OK", the message window closes and the FS2004 Icon disappears from the task bar.

I am running Windows 8.1 on an HP Pavilion g7.

Any ideas?



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I opened up the Event Viewer and this is what the info looks like'

First, general view:

Second, detail view:



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Have you used Flight1's registry repair tool to add the FS9.exe to the registry?

No I haven't. At one point I made use of FS9Path_Utility, a little utility from an outfit called TweakFS. I was trying to enable SBuilder to be able to find the registry entry for FS9.exe so that I could use it properly. This I was able to do.

But perhaps the registry entry still needs some tweaking?

I guess these are the sorts of issues one encounters when one copies/pastes instead of performing an actual install of FS9.

I will get hold of a copy of Flight1's registry repair tool and see if anything shakes loose.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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Well, gave it a shot. No joy. Still getting the error messages.

I can live with it. But I'd rather not.:grumpy:

I think you have to install FS from the CD-ROMs to get everything where Windows expects it to be.

Don't remove what you just put in, just rename it temporarily so the new installation doesn't overwrite anything. Then you can delete the new FS9 folder and re-rename your existing one. I think that should fix it.

When my last confutor died I was able to salvage two FS9 installations (well, most of them anyway) but just copying them onto the new rig wasn't enough. I wound up installing on the new rig from scratch. After I did that, Windows was happy and the copied versions worked too.

I trust that by now you're aware of the problems that can come from putting FS9 into the standard location. I have a separate disk partition for my FS9 installations, but I believe a separate folder placed anywhere outside of Program Files or Program Files (X86) would work.

BTW, here's a belated Thank You for the CFS-2 NAS Glenview scenery that we managed to make work in FS9. You may have noticed on the download list that it inspired some unnatural acts to be perpetrated on the Virtual Navy's CFS-2 USS Wolverine.
Hiya Mick,

Thanks very much for the advice. I did as you suggested. I renamed my current copied version of FS9 parent folder. Then I did a clean stock install from the CDs. When I opened, went into free flight and then closed the new install everything was nominal. No error messages.

So then I renamed the copied version back to the default name and left the new install alone but renamed the parent folder. When I open the old version again and closed it, the error messages were still there.

Then as an experiment, I moved all the newly installed sub-folders to a holding folder and swapped in all of the old copied-version sub-folders to the new installed parent folder. Started up, closed out. Still got the messages.

I was beginning to suspect that the issue probably lay inside the modules folder where I have FSNavigator installed along with a few other non-stock dlls and what not. So, I removed these one by one, starting and closing FS9 after removing each one. Finally, after removing a couple of files, MyFsTools.dll and MyFsTools.ini, the error messages went away. Problem solved.

Not sure what MyFsTools is all about. I'll look into it. But right now everything is jake so I am not going to concern myself too much with it. Curiosity only.

Thanks again,

I trust that by now you're aware of the problems that can come from putting FS9 into the standard location. I have a separate disk partition for my FS9 installations, but I believe a separate folder placed anywhere outside of Program Files or Program Files (X86) would work.
, Yep, I remembered reading someplace about not installing the sims in the the Program folder so the path to mine is "C:\Simming Related\Microsoft Games\...". Cheers.
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Are you always in the same location when you close FS9?

Years ago when i was experimenting with a Carrier Scenery I was making I had a CTD problem when I exited the sim or tried to switch planes. I found the issue was only in the area I had my carriers. The issue ended up being a FS9 bug (that was never fixed). I was using Platforms to land on my carriers and it worked well but if you had more than one in a certain range of the aircraft the sim would CTD when you closed it or if you tried to switch planes.
Hiya Mick,

...I was beginning to suspect that the issue probably lay inside the modules folder where I have FSNavigator installed along with a few other non-stock dlls and what not. So, I removed these one by one, starting and closing FS9 after removing each one. Finally, after removing a couple of files, MyFsTools.dll and MyFsTools.ini, the error messages went away...

Glad you got it solved!

I don't think I ever would've thought to investigate the modules folder. Great idea!

I have no idea what MyFsTools.dll and MyFsTools.ini might be, but none of my four FS installations has them, so they clearly aren't essential, and not native to FS9. Maybe some day you'll go to use some old add-on that you've presently forgotten about and it won't work, then you'll re-install it and get the error messages again, and that will remind you of the issue and to delete that add-on. Those file names seem to suggest some sort of scenery program, but that's just a guess.

I suppose you're like me and have things in FS that worked fine on an older rig, but when you put them into a new confutor with a different operating system, the don't work anymore. I lost a few things when I went from WinXP to Win7pro, and I have a couple things that still work for me but not for guys who are running Win10.
Well, Sean, it was a long time ago and much water has past under the bridge since I first installed MyFsTools. I very likely installed that little utility 12 years or so ago. You'll understand someday when you get a little older and start slowing down a touch. ;^)

Mick & Sean,

After reading through the ini file and visiting the same web site Sean linked to I remembered what it is for. Its a utility that adds all sorts of little functionality thingies key among them for me anyway was it allows one to specify a specific Tower View location and save it. In FS2002, FSNavigator allowed one to specify the position where the tower view would be simply by clicking on the map and entering a height. When FS9 came out, this function no longer worked in FSNavigator. So, an alternative utility for doing the same thing was required by those of us who were interested. I stopped using MyFSToolsit at some point when I heard about AutoTower. Which is still installed and working fine. I just forgot about MyFsTools even being there.

Ans yes, Sean, somewhere in the old now defunct XP rig on which I ran FS9, there was also sub-folder in the programs folder that contained some sort of executable related to these files. I am guessing that if I were to re-install the ini and dll files to Modules and re-build that Program Files/MyFsTools folder I could run FS9 with no error messages.

Interestingly, the only reason I put FS9 on this laptop is so SBuilder could find FSUIPC. See this thread over in the CFS2 Forum.

I am half way tempted to dump everything out of the FS9 parent folder but the Modules folder and its FSUIPC files and leave it at that! But its kind of nice having FS9 around again.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the input.
Are you always in the same location when you close FS9?

Years ago when i was experimenting with a Carrier Scenery I was making I had a CTD problem when I exited the sim or tried to switch planes. I found the issue was only in the area I had my carriers. The issue ended up being a FS9 bug (that was never fixed). I was using Platforms to land on my carriers and it worked well but if you had more than one in a certain range of the aircraft the sim would CTD when you closed it or if you tried to switch planes.

Hiya Dave,

No. I was all over the place.
