PFD and Nav Display problem....


Charter Member
This relates to a 737 panel from Felipe Gonzalez, I think called ''. Everything looks to work fine, but the 2 gauges I mention each have a faulty centre section, just with streaky colours. All the gauges are in a cab file and my question is(!) can I replace just these 2 without changing everything in the cab file as well?? Will the 2 gauges, if I put them on the panel.cfg overwrite the gauges in the cab file or will it all just go downhill?:dizzy:

Cab files are a lot like zip files, but I'm not sure if they're enough alike that you can just replace a file within them. But you don't have to do that.

Just drop the new gauges into the panel folder and add them to the panel.cfg file in place of the ones in the cab file. You can ignore the old ones in the cab file; FS will ignore them when they're removed from the panel.cfg file.

In the cfg file, just replace the old gauge file name with the file name of the new one, so yo retain the location coordinates. When you edit that line, don't forget to delete the "Cab!" or "Whatever!" at the beginning of the line (the bit that ends with the exclamation point), so FS will look for the file in the panel folder and not in the Cab file.

Alternatively, you could just take all the files in the Cab file and put them in a regular folder instead (some say FS likes it better that way anyway, since it doesn't have to decompress each file before using it) and then fix the bad background image in your favorite image program.

Mick has basically covered what you need to know above, but just to add, .cab files are a Microsoft Cabinet file, and needs to be compiled in one hit, you can't normally add / remove files individually. You'll need to do a bit of web searching to find a compiler program if you want to keep the gauge call-out in panel.cfg the same.


Hi Mick,
Very helpful and what I was kindof hoping to read!
Now it's just a question of finding a couple of nice gauges to fit there.
Cheers, thanks again
Yes, to make a change to a gauge in a cab file, you have to take everything out of the cab file, change what you want, and then, at least with CabPack, the usual cab working program, make a cab file from all the "stuff" that you took out previously. I've found, as has been said, that it's easiest to just extract all the "stuff" from the cab file to a folder with the same name. That way, you can make any changes to gauges you want to any gauge from the cab file. As long as the folder is in the Panel folder of the plane, there's no need at all to repack the cab file. Just leave everything in the folder with the cab file's name and contents. That way, you don't need to make any changes to the Panel.cfg at all.
Just a small side note...I've found that 7Zip works fine to extract all the contents of a cab file.

Good luck!
The idea of the cab file threw me, but Mick set me right about not needing to worry about it, but just replace the references in the cfg to the new ones (which are from the FS9 747). Amazing what you can do with helpful advice and a few Whitworth spanners.:applause:

FWIW, in your root FS9 folder is a file named cabdir.exe. It is a CAB packing program supplied by Microsoft. Drag and drop your folder on cabdir.exe and it will output a .CAB file for you. cheers, Lane