Phase 3 for Free?


Flame On!
Okay, now that I have your attention, I posted this on another thread called "I have noticed...." but no one seemed to, so I am reposting under an alias!

I have noticed that the OFF 1&2 forum looks like a ghost town since BHaH was released, however, there are new potential customers still requesting a DVD of Phase 2. I have been keeping an eye out for it and have sent a few DVDs since BHaH's release, but I think it needs more attention. Is there any way to put the Phase 2 DVD swaps thread here so it can be more closely monitored? Just a thought.


PS: Catfish, Olham. There's one of your countrymen looking for a DVD of Phase 2, hint, hint!
Just a thought here, as the OFF team is trying to increase sales of BHaH is it still wise to offer Phase-2 for free? Maybe there should be a cut off date where P-2 is phased out and only BHaH is offered.

From a business point of view, samples where handed out, people loved it, now we want them to come to the restaurant an eat ..... chaa .. ching $

Just a thought here.


Cameljockey, good idea too.
Carrying that idea a step further, might it be possible to provide a much, much smaller Phase 3. 4 Aircraft, no skins, p3 scenery & Terrian. The manager from P2, and a video description of P3

Make it available for Download for 2 weeks.
Most of us already have Phase 3, there's No Reason to D/L

Only those who wish to Distribute it, need it
Let them offer that as a teaser

If I never played Phase 1, was given Phase 2, I'd be happy

But If I got a Taste of Phase 3, I'll Pay for More

Just Thinking out load :kilroy:

PS .. I'd be willing to kick-in for the server rental
Good ideas guys n gal. Not sure re stopping P2, we are still criticised for pulling the free download of P2, over a year ago lol due to massive cost, and we'd be criticised for stopping that DVD swap too no doubt, but a demo maybe possible at some point but believe it or not the work involved cutting things in a planned way, is quite hard too lol. Also we need to have lots of "unavailable" across squads, skins, etc so it will look worse but certainly possible
I just thought it might be good to have the DVD swaps here and over at Phase 1 & 2 since the link at the main OFF site brings you here instead of there.

Those are excellent ideas IMHO..certainly get the "P2 send out" over to P3.
You're new to OFF..interested enough to get to the Forum.
A nearby Off afficianado sends out are awed and happy..everyone is posting about amazing step you order P3.

Guys, if Pol requests it to make a sticky of the swaps, then I will do so....I will be watching this thread for further pro's and con's....mid

I still keep an eye on the dvd requests, and sent out 2 last week, so will make sure no one goes without.

as far as overseas requests, international mail for a dvd is only around 1.70 (vrs 1.17 for states), You just cant put anything stiff in there to protect the dvd. It has to be able to go around a 11inch circle with 40lbs of pressure.

I still keep an eye on the dvd requests, and sent out 2 last week, so will make sure no one goes without.

as far as overseas requests, international mail for a dvd is only around 1.70 (vrs 1.17 for states), You just cant put anything stiff in there to protect the dvd. It has to be able to go around a 11inch circle with 40lbs of pressure.


Maybe it was that 11 inch circle that slashed Militant_Danny's DVD. Luckily it just got the case and not the DVD. I just either put them in a bubble mailer (it's a little more $ but a lot easier) or wrap the jewel case in bubble wrap and stick it in an envelope. Never had one not get there. I sent a lot out and slacked off for a while, but I'm sending a few out since things are a little better financially on my end.
