Phase 3 is going to be reviewed


Charter Member
Phase 3 is going to be reviewed
I think this item of news needs its own

Here's some good news for everyone. A close friend of mine who writes reviews for a very well known flightsim website is going to be writing a review of Over Flanders Fields Phase 3. He has been testing P2 to get a feel for it. I'm sure we'll all glad that P3is at such a stage that it can be being put out for a third party review.
Thanks Daveebee.

Great news indeed!

Please do let us know when the review is up and where.



Yes of course, but I am certain that the developers can be relied upon to keep everybody informed of the review.
Tell him to drop in anytime and have a chat with the boys. ;)

Everyone is always welcome here.

Several sim website owners have asked for a review/interview so hopefully soon we can sort that out. First thing though we have to get it ready.
Hi All, I know only of one website who are doing a review of OFF3, I am sure that there will be others,not to mention the computer magazines. I fully expect the developers to keep the OFF community very well informed of developements(no pun intended)
Of one thing I am sure, the person who is going do this review will make a thorough and fair job of it, he is very knowledgeable on flight ,and flight sims in general.
Hi All, On the subject of the name of the website, I will of course inform you all when publication is imminent.
Exciting news where am I going to find time to fly IL2 1946 modded and OFF P3 and im retired, ho man I will be up alll night. Thanks for the info. :jump: