Phillip M's items Hobbit archive sorted


Charter Member
I have checked some of my CD's from the past.
:applause: :applause: :applause:
And here is a listing for the Wonderful items built by Phillip M
And directly from His ( now gone) site..

If I am missing anything, Please let me know, I haven't sorted (95)% or more of my CD Archive yet and there might be more from Phillip M I am unaware of..
Thanks All..

These are the files from the Wonderful Phillip M's site Now closed..
the original uploads by this Developer..Unchanged from day one..
Many Thanks to Phillip M who spent many hours building these items

****************Property of the Phillip M for Freeware use ONLY****************************************

** Open the Aircraft Folder within the Zip file download to check for

SHARED Files Gun Files and PYLON files **if needed for each Aircraft

**Phillip M often placed these items within the individual Aircraft Folders**


40mm bofors truck & normal
Aircraft lights
elco pt boat
ford gpa
m7 priest
me 163b
mercedes bus
mg TA midgets
rauenschlepper ost
sherman & lee
Sikorsky R-4
Wow, not much interest in this it seems..

I will as I can upload all of Phillip M's work to SOH..

Still sorting through th CD's as planned..
And I will have lists for 2002-2004 for all when finished..

Go ahead and upload, since you have permission to do so.

Let me know when you are done, as I have a few you don't. :icon_eek:

Thanks Househobbit and Grizzly!,Philip M's stuff is awesome and he is much missed,please see if you can get hold of his Mistel because I missed out on it last time round.
I haven't checked any further then 2004 for any of Phillips M's work yet,
I am sure I have it all downloaded somewhere..

Grizz, when I get this sorted I will let ya know what I have For Phillip M's work..
I do miss him sorry to say..
Great efforts on His part for all..:applause: :applause:
Thanks Househobbit and Grizzly!,Philip M's stuff is awesome and he is much missed,please see if you can get hold of his Mistel because I missed out on it last time round.

I have that loaded, it is fun.:applause: :applause:
Phillip M broke new ground with this back in the day..
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Still it is fun, I have a (improved)version from a Master .
Re-skinned, and the Mistel is a "Rocket" instead of a Bomb as in the original from Phillip M..

Both are a BIG Bang when they Hit.. :isadizzy:

Hate to be on the receiving end..:icon_eek:
There is a Mistel? wow, never seen this one before! I have the V1/Ju88 what if composite by Nigel but never headr of that Mistel!