Photos and Profiles of Fairey Battles, please!


Charter Member 2016
After spending ages dragging round on internet, the resulting haul is minimal. The same old photos, all the time.

So if anyone could find photos or profiles or RCAF and RAAF Battle trainers or TTs, with the original long canopy, or SAAF operational aircraft, I'd be grateful - thanks!
Nigel try searching this site, they have some amazing stuff: (Thanks for the tip Frosty!)

If not I have the Profile Publications issue on the Battle, let me know and I'll scan it in for you.
Emile - that's actually a Fairey Firefly, a far more potent aircraft that entered service with the RN in 1945. Easy mistake to make, as they do look quite similar.

Clive - I took a look and failed to figure out how it works... :mixedsmi:
Now that IS useful! Pity we didn't have access to it when we were (or rather, when Craig was) working on the model... But those paint schemes will be very useful. Thanks!
I have the Profile Pub which includes a multi-view colour picture (K9324 of No.218 Sqn) but you might have seen that one already. Send me an email of you want me to send it your way. Other materials (scant) are in black and white, which probably isn't much help.