Pics for the waiting


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
While many still are waiting for P3, and the others can't dogfight and visit the forum at the same time, I put these pics in from the OMAKA museum, New Zealand. There are more interesting pictures and reports to view.

CATFISH, here's the proof: Taube's could do air combat.
This Albatros was on the site [FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]

You know, I love this plane...
Today wouldn't be a good day for that....(visiting Wash DC that is)
Vintage planes in flight - photographies by BAYWING

You're right, SirMike - when we do a thread with good airplane pics, we should honour Baywing here with three of his beautiful photographs. I picked out these three, but there are many more to find, and it's a wonderful excursion to vintage planes in flight.
You can find them here:

(I'm afraid, this won't become a clickable link. If not, click it in Baywing's post.)

I hope, you don't mind about the pics, BAYWING, but if there are legal or other problems, just send me a PM, and I'll quickly change this.
But, if you leave them in, perhaps you could say a little about the planes, pics and events?
That Albatros and the Nieuport are beautiful. I don't like the Fokker though. It's above me.
Yes, I feel the same, Maeran. Being German, I fly the Albatros. She is really beautiful. The Fokker D VII is edgy like a cardboard box. But was the best /most dangerous WW1 fighter. I flew some "Quick flights" with it, and could shoot down several SPAD XIII's with no problem. She is a fighting demon, a killer pig - you can get behind everyone. She's rather "technically beautiful"
But, for me, the Albatros please.
I believe the RED Albatros was at the Ryder Aerodrome Museum years ago, now closed after Frank Ryder's passing. I saw her fly in their opening airshow. It sits a bit high on the gear, may just be an illusion do to the tail-wheel setup.

Looked real great in the air, then all these planes do!

Same to me Olham, I love the albatros, thats why i enjoyed to do skinning those over than year :). You surely love the amount of trosses in p3.



Yes, I feel the same, Maeran. Being German, I fly the Albatros. She is really beautiful. The Fokker D VII is edgy like a cardboard box. But was the best /most dangerous WW1 fighter. I flew some "Quick flights" with it, and could shoot down several SPAD XIII's with no problem. She is a fighting demon, a killer pig - you can get behind everyone. She's rather "technically beautiful"
But, for me, the Albatros please.
Hey, Arto; I'm really looking forward to fly your Albatros - all versions! Cause the D II was a good fighter in it's time; then the D III again in early 1917. And the D V, not liked by MvR I read, was okay for me in P2. I hope, I can still handle her so well in P3 - I expect it to be more realistic, and so, more pilot abilities may be necessary. But we grow with our tasks, don't we?
I'd go so far to say, OFF keeps you from aging. Trains your actions and reactions, your awareness and coordination - you must be multi-tasking. Keeps you on the toes.

But it seems to be necessary for me to upgrade my computer, an Intel dual core cpu and an ATI Radeon 1900 (I think it is). My neighbour/wingman said, we should better get a GT 260 or a 4870, to be able to really enjoy the graphics. But then, I must save a bit longer. Anyway - soon I'll report from my first Albatros flight. Thank you (all) for your endurance.

PS: I did already catch a glimpse from Sandbagger's German desktop. The Albs look wonderful! The Halberstadt too - great work!!
Well i could take credit only from dv/dva´s, The OvS and Terry did great job making skins for d.II´s and d.III´s. Together we did incredible amount of skins of albatroses, but it was most common fighter a/c in most of the war so its worth of it.



Hey, Arto; I'm really looking forward to fly your Albatros - all versions! Cause the D II was a good fighter in it's time; then the D III again in early 1917. And the D V, not liked by MvR I read, was okay for me in P2. I hope, I can still handle her so well in P3 - I expect it to be more realistic, and so, more pilot abilities may be necessary. But we grow with our tasks, don't we?
I'd go so far to say, OFF keeps you from aging. Trains your actions and reactions, your awareness and coordination - you must be multi-tasking. Keeps you on the toes.

But it seems to be necessary for me to upgrade my computer, an Intel dual core cpu and an ATI Radeon 1900 (I think it is). My neighbour/wingman said, we should better get a GT 260 or a 4870, to be able to really enjoy the graphics. But then, I must save a bit longer. Anyway - soon I'll report from my first Albatros flight. Thank you (all) for your endurance.

PS: I did already catch a glimpse from Sandbagger's German desktop. The Albs look wonderful! The Halberstadt too - great work!!