Piglet's N1 (Naboo Starfighter)


Charter Member
As suggested by Motormouse, this FS-X port-over seems to work in FS-9 without any tweaks. The front-end chrome is dull so I suppose that's an Alpha thing...and the flaps are not animated.

Dangerousdave suggested some air-borne shenanigans with the N1 which I tried to duplicate without success, as the N1 was all over the sky. It fights my force-feedback joystick; it goes straight up when power is added and has a nasty habit of going straight down without responding to the joystick. :isadizzy:

If anyone in the universe has mastered this bird, kindly share your secret. Please?

- H52
I don't think you need to get the FSX version; there's an FS2004 version over here at flightsim.com:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Other Aircraft FS2004/FSX Theed Engineering Corps N1
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: naboo_n1.zip
Size: 6,527,146 Date: 07-30-2007 Downloads: 2,298


FS2004/FSX Theed Engineering Corps N1 "Naboo Starfighter". Primary starfighter of the Naboo Royal Security Force, best known for its role in defeating the Trade Federation invasion of the Naboo planet. The gleaming chrome finish denotes service to the Royal Court. This release comes with VC, custom XML gauges, and two paint schemes. By Tim Conrad.

Thanks Dr., but the one you pointed out is actually the one I have. It is a port-over to FS-X. In the README, Tim says "This plane should work in FS9, with the usual tweaks, of course!"

My request stands: If anyone in the universe has mastered this bird, kindly share your secret. Please? :kilroy:

- H52

I have the FDEs for this one. Will zip and post here in 30 min's (3 am PST/7 am EST). I'll be baaaccckkk.
Chuck B
Edit: Attached zip file with FDEs.
New FDEs

Sorry gents. The FDE that I posted (above) was just plain junk (sorry). I worked on it a little more and it's better. I still did not make it do taxi turns like a cessna (not yet). The beauty of these FDEs is that (with use of Gear and flaps for drag and a little throttle) you can make it 'hover' (26 kts) at SL or FS300 (will not stall). Read the txt for hints/info. Or you can jam at Mach 4.27/2,420 kts. I include the section with line for the static_thrust in 3 different 'power' ranges. Just eidt and 'save' then reload. Start out with (1) and when at alt use (3) to jam. See Readme for specific throttle for each. Not brain surgery. Anyone can fly it. It's not helicopter (or ufo) dynamics. Easy Fly. Have fun.
Chuck B
Chuck, in your README you make reference to the autopilot ("AP"). There are no autopilot gauges in the PANEL.CFG.

- h52
I use a different panel and did not try the panel it came with. The main reason I refer to AP is so it can set the amount of pitch trim to fly level when you hand fly. Also you can play with hovering that way (also adjusts the pitch trim required to keep it 'level' (ie: at present alt)).

Even if the panel does not have a AP, you can evoke AP by pressing 'Z' key (AP on/off) and then press 'Ctrl+Z' for (Alt Hold (at present altitude)). Press 'Z' to disengage Alt Hold. You will not have a VISIBLE indication, but when you try to hand fly it you can tell AP is on.

So the AP comes in handy when you go from 26 kts when hovering (pitch trim= +19.99) to Mach 1 (pitch trim= +0.7). IE: the pitch trim will be 'auto adjusted' to 'required' trim for level flyight). OK? OK! If it don't change fast enough, just increase value for 'vertical_speed_time_constant' in cfg's (Pitot_Static) section (from '9' to '99' (max)). Fine adjustments like this sometimes excape me due to not flying enough to cover all scenarios. Have a good one.
Chuck B
PS: ('If anyone in the universe has mastered this bird, kindly share your secret. Please?'). Well. Did I do it?:sheep:
PS: ('If anyone in the universe has mastered this bird, kindly share your secret. Please?'). Well. Did I do it?:sheep:

Yes, you made a flyable bird and I thank you for that. :salute:
I would have liked to fly it as originally configured by Piglet, but I guess Tim did "an Ito" on this one! :icon_lol:

- h52