Pilot dress in RS-PTO


Charter Member
For some reason many of the pilots show-up in the same costume even for different countries.
Had a look at the .m3d files they ask for the proper .dds with different costumes.
Deleted the UnlimitedPilot.xml in the C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO RisingSun_________ folder.
Still no success :banghead:.
Any sugestions? :pop4:

Cripes, I know it can be done and its been done but can't recall how tho' someone will surely.
Quick guesses....

Look in unlimitedpilots in the appdata pathway. See which Model is referred to for the pilots in each country. Then go to the characters folder in your install. Take a look at the textures provided for the character which is the type for the model.

Eg. for Mackenzie, which could be used in the unlimitedpilots xml as the model for a number of Commonwealth countries' pilots, the texture files reside in the characters folder. You could just import a different set of textures from another instal (eg. MAW), set up a new character, then change the Model for some pilots in the unlimitedpilots file.