Hi Gosd,
If you navigate to:
Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\uires\pilot folder
yo will see a whole heap of pictures labelled something like pic_thomas.bmp
these are the pictures that display in game when your looking at a given pilot in game.
to change it you make your new picture with say your own face on it.
you then take one of the original pictures and open it up with your texture editing software (photshop or paintshop etc) and use it as a template to place your modified image into.
you need to make the picture 81 x 118 pixels in size.
then you have to save the texture in this format to get it to display properly .bmp 16bit (444)
another thing is you cant use the colour pure black (0,0,0) in the RBG scale. as it will make funny looking holes in your picture in game.
then name your new image to the same as the one you wish to replace and you should now see your new texture ingame.
If you wish to have a completely new pilot in game for your new picture to use then you need to edit several xml files.
country.xml and unlimitedpilots.xml
open these with note pad and have close look at the format, you can add to it, but you must get the format spot on your game wont load.
If you have both ETO and stock CFS3 installed have a look at what I have done with the ETO pilot stuff and you should get a pretty good feel for how it all works.
regards Rob.