Pilot health, vision, etc. - A Question


Charter Member
Dumb question but. . .

What significance, if any, is there to the pilot health, vision, g-force resitance etc. under the "Pilots" category? Do any of these really have an effect on flying?

Also, how do you earn skill points and what do you do with them?

Hello wsmwsm,

There are no stupid questions, if you ever need help just ask.

They do play quite a big part.

Vision = how soon you can identify and locate an enemy.

Health = how much damage you can take before your pilot dies.

g-force = how much resitance you have to blacking / redding out.

Good luck, and happy flying :ernae:

Remember if you ever need help with anything never hesitate to ask, we are quite friendly.
As said above.

There are no stupid questions.

However watch out for stupid answers:costumes:

Not in this case I hasten to add:kilroy:
I use the following settings that I find are reasonably realistic:

Vision 50
G-Tolerance 60
Health 40

I'll bet that there are other opinions on this.
Thanks all.

But does all of this really work and how? What about the skill points and is there a limit?

I use the following settings that I find are reasonably realistic:

Vision 50
G-Tolerance 60
Health 40

I'll bet that there are other opinions on this.

For online dogfighting I use most of the points on G-Tolerance and a little on Vision and 1 point on health, with the aces online here , there is LITTLE chance of living long enough to bleed to death before they weigh down your plane with lead and holes. Many games use the CONE and /or RADAR which lessens the need to use up points on Vision, but blacking out while in a turning dogfight is a large disadvantage for you ,whether you are chasing or the chased .
I use low G-resistance as a warning of overstressing my aircraft when flying A6M or Bf109 ... but maybe someone here can give me a better solution ?