Pitch, Roll and sudden loss of Altitude

Hi Guys :encouragement: After a number of years with FS2004 and FSX I recently obtained CFS3 which despite it's age still seems a pretty amazing simulator. The game loaded onto my windows Vista really well and I installed the updates and also added Firepower for a very modest sum and apart from minor tweakings I'm pretty well set to go. I can't get a couple things sorted though and these seem to be somehow connected. Going to Autopilot for a steady bomb-run (ctrl + Shift = A) or going to Cycle Gunner Seats (F8) my aircraft will suddenly Pitch, Roll and lose Altitude violently. I've trolled through all other posts on the site without success :banghead: Anyone else come across this ? :wavey:
Sometimes (!) if I trim her 1st to fly 'hands off' she'll slip into auto smoothly.... but only sometimes! :banghead:
yeah......they'll all lurch around a bit but settle in popping on autopilot

Some aircraft go onto autopilot much better than others. The ETO_huri_mkII stalls, spins and crashes half the time.

There is some paramter in the config file (IIRC) which sets the amount of flap etc that can be used in autopilot mode. It may be that fiddling with these parameters would improve the worst aircraft?
Did many military aircraft during WWII have some sort of 'autopilot?

German bombers and nightfighters had the Kurskreisel Kompass and other components which made up an autopilot system. In Allied aircraft the autopilot would be called 'George', often the Sperry gyroscopic autopilot. The Norden bombsight needed the C1 autopilot to fly the aircraft on final bombing run to target and Ju290 had a full autopilot. Generally the bigger aircraft had them, they weren't used on single-engine fighters - although the TBF/TBM and SB2C Helldiver did but they ain't fighters!

If you want to guarantee a corkscrew dive and a mudmoving crash in CFS3, turn on the autopilot below 2,000ft. Many hobbits have ended their flying careers that way. :gameoff::pop4:
Hey, thanks guys :mixed-smiley-010: I'll give it all another go, bearing in mind all the above comments. I may well have been at rather low altitudes when I checked out the Autopilot and Gunner Positions :applause: I guess most bombing runs would have been pretty high up too :dizzy: Will report back on findings :running:

...brings ta mind many a strange mission conclusion when "all turns red and suddenly I'm dead" :mixed-smiley-010:
(didn't even have time ta shout 'oops'!)
After a little more testing I seem to have found an acceptable solution :applause: If I jump :jump: to an outside view I can get to the Gunner seats perfectly. I can also move around to the separate positions :running: If I try to get back to the Pilot seat we start rocking and rolling again :banghead: BUT, if I go back to the outside view, and from there to the Pilot seat, it all works ok. By the way, the above problems were apparent on all bombers and fighters but if my recent findings continue I'm more than happy to get on with my missions. Thanks again guys. Be in touch.
Thanks for the research ...yes, and please post any other oddities ...CFS3's seems a bottomless pit of yet to be discovered (uncovered?) weirdness-es :applause:

(maybe finding a way to swap indoors for outside could yield miracles?)