Planes nosing


Charter Member
I have a mission that when I exit the mission the scene I get is with the pilot and is A/C on a base with some of the planes are nosing (nose in the ground and tails in the air) neer the hangars.
-how can I know which base this is ?
-does the problem lie in the base or with the planes that are nosing ?
-can it be corrected or is it like moling ?
The airfield I am having problems with is in ETO ERA1, Tahure-Suippes (tahs01) and the planes that nose in are the sitz_leo451.
Still getting the nosing with the sitz_leo451 even in QC where this plane is called for and sits with others of the same.
The main plane is good but all the other sitz_leo451 that populate the scenery are nosing.:dizzy: