Please Explain THIS


Retired SOH Admin
Yesterday, I did a fresh install of FS9, updated it to 9.1, installed Golden Wings 3, installed the HDE Clouds and Rhumbaflappy's world mesh. Everything was working fine...including Hawaii, which has caused me problems in the last few days in my original GW3 installs. Everything was working just as it should.

Then I made two new folders, one called GWGA and one called GWMil. Went into the FSGW3 folder, selected everything, and copied it. Pasted into the GWGA and GWMil folders.

Now....Hawaii is GONE. When I select any airport in Hawaii, all I get is the coordinates instead of the airport name and when I start the flight, there is NOTHING there but water and darkness.

This is in ALL THREE installs! Including the spanking new and working like gang busters install of GW3.

What the heck!

Are you also installing the Bill Lyons Classic Goose pack. There was a problem with it's having taken out major portions of the S. Pacific.

I have no new planes installed...just the stock vintage aircraft. No added scenery other than the HDE Clouds and Rhumbaflappy's mesh (which is contained in a folder outside of my sim installs).

This is what I have for Hawaii (where did the blimp come from?) after the copy and paste to form 2 new GW3 installs.

I erased the GWGA and GWMil installs and the FSGW3 install is working again. Is it possible that I can only have one install of GW3 and if I have multiple installs it somehow boggles my PC's slow little brain.
Are the original files still in place? It almost sounds like you could have moved the files instead of copying them.
All of the files in the original install of GW3 were intact. I copied and pasted the files into two new folders to make a GA and Military install of Golden Wings (I have so many planes that I find it necessary to break them down like that). All three installs were identical...but once I set up the two new installs, none of them would show Hawaii. After I erased the GA and Military installs, leaving just the original GW install, it worked normally again.

And the gremlins seem to have a taste for my GW installs....which covers the time frame for the period of aviation I like the best. I'll get it figured out and get it running smoothly. Maybe if I set up one install on one HD and one on another HD....

just a thought, but you say you copied EVERYTHING from the working folder to the 2 other 'install's, right ?

Arent the FS config files kept in the documents folder ?

sounds like the config file is trying to load files that no longer in the correct places (the cached files differ from the actual files in the 'install' folder). Maybe reloading the scenery from the 'scenery library' page will clear the cached 'memory' of the files, maybe multiple restarts of the sim will clear it.
Ya know, I hadn't thought about the scenery cache being the possible cause behind this.

If only FS9 were like CFS2 in regard to not being in the registry and not having any files outside of itself.

Did you lose the exe switch as you moved the sim into a new folder?
As I mentioned in an earlier thread there is a way to overcome the problem Willy alludes to, that is to do a permanent install of GH and some files have to be removed. The Instructions are still on the front page of the GW3 support forum at the old Hangar. This way there is no problem with Australasia.

I hadn't installed GH or other scenery into these three installs. I did a fresh install of FS9, updated, installed GW3, HDE Clouds and Rhumbaflappy's world mesh....testing after each step to confirm that Hawaii did. I copied that fresh GW3 to make two additional copies of GW3....and the entire land mass for Hawaii went AWOL.

I had no scenery, no planes installed.

Once I dumped the two copy and pasted GW3s, the first one worked like a charm again.

Just a quick question, did you make a seperate exe. and a seperate CFG for each GW install? For a total of three.
Indeed, there ya have it!

Just a quick question, did you make a seperate exe. and a seperate CFG for each GW install? For a total of three.


Robert is right, if you don't rename the exe's of all three variations differently, the **** will hit the fan.
Success! Finally!! I copied the working GS3 into 2 new folders (like before), renamed the exe files (like before)...but when I fired them up to make my set up changes, I selected the clear scenery cache under the scenery library...and all three installs are working fully. Now I can have my GA and Military installs of GW3.

I use to have three different installs of FS9, two were GW and one default FS9, on my machine. One GW was completly default, with prewar addon scenery and aircraft. The other was a WW2 atmosphere, addon scenery and aircraft. Switching between the three was becoming a pain, with some scenery from one install showing up in another install.

So I decided to simplify everything with just two installs. One FS9 for any modern flying, and one GW3. I keep North America as Golden Age default with some addon sceneries. I have Europe and the Pacific as a WW2 atmosphere, with many addons. This seems to work very well.