Please Help, Film Prop C-119 Box Car

casey jones

Charter Member
I found this C-119 Box Car for FS9 by Mr Francis Silva at Fltsim.Con. It is a film prop
painted in highly polished shine. The plane is an orriginal by Mr Yamamoto, Mr Silva
has modifed the engines increasing the power ratio...when I try to start the engines
nothing happens, I can'nt think of anything I can do to make the engines start. I
then go back to Mr yamamoto's C-119 Box Car for FS9 and the engines start perfectly.
What could I be doing wrong??


[piston_engine] > normalized_starter_tourque= - check this entry and compare to other planes. If the entry is obviously lower than normal, then increase it a bit at a time until you get a good auto-start. Other than that, you should still be able to start them manually.

Edit: Depending on how the engine numbers were modified, you may need to increase the torque even if it's already close to normal. Increased compression should require more torque.
Updated FM for the C-119

Here is a zip with an updated flight model for the C-119. If you don't get your issues sorted out with the engine start, this may help. It's by Falcon 500.
Why not simply place the new texture into the existing and properly working copy of the Boxcar ???
I have tried a couple of Mr.Silvas so called improved aircraft and at best I can call them cartoonish.

Yeh.. wot he ^^ said!

texture was/is by Heather Sherman btw, who also 'painted' the 3d graphics version used in film (remade Flight of the Phoenix).
Talented eh?


Just for fun I downloaded it so I could see what was changed. Have not tried it in the sim, but I notice some interesting things in the config. The panel is the stock one with recip gauges. In the config file the engine type is listed as '3' for helo-turbine (WTF?) and just below that are [piston_engine] data entries. How is that supposed to work? If I really wanted to fly this thing I think first off I would change the engine type to '0' for piston and see if that works.
LOL .... That does not surprise me one bit. There was a Mooney by this same chap, if I recall correctly, dubbed the Acclaim.

Well the real Mooney Acclaim is a piston powered rocketship. One I'd love to try out one of these days for real. His FS version was the stock MS Mooney outrageously overpowered with "mods" of the same kind as you mention for the BoxCar.
