please help


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hey all, i went to install the update,then msfs crashed and i got a message that i need an app to open the microsoft store link.
doesnt tell me what app i need though? yall know? thank you

i made a new post to change the headline, please help. i havent any idea of what app i need. and i didnt say, when i first started MSFS, i got a windows defender message saying that 'some content is being blocked'.. i then told it to allow all. have i been hacked?

should i reinstall? if i do, can i install over what i have now? or do i need to delete everything ive added first?
The only app that should be needed is the Store app. You can try opening that and going your Library (lower left corner), then clicking the update button. That will install the new core files. Once that's done, then launching the sim should go straight to the update download.
It's probably referring to the Xbox app, you can download it from the Microsoft store in windows, don't worry its free.

I have no idea what the windows defender message was about, it may be unrelated to the update but if you click on the windows security icon in the task bar (looks like a shield with a tick on it) then seeing as you allowed it click on allowed threats bellow the Quick scan button you should be able to get more info on it.