Please More Flying Boat Bases

casey jones

Charter Member
I fly the M-130 Flying Boat, and the S-44 Flying Boat, I have just about all the Flying Boat bases (PAA) that our wonderful designer people have built for FS9 but as I range further out into the Pacific there are a number of flying boat bases that were built by the Japanese during the 1930s and up to 1941, Tarawa, Grand Truk, Rabaul, Saipan, and maybe the base at Lae, NG, Or maybe the flying boat base at Lisbon Harbor there were special landing lights on the water for night landings and San Francisco. Making a night landing which I attemped at French Tahiti was an experience, I was able to make my approach by just barely seeing the shore line of the lagoon and ploped my Martin flying boat by the light of a cruise ship there.


IIRc there were also some of the old Imperial Airways African and Far East route bases somewhere
too, wait til I get back home at weekend and I'll look 'em up


Here's something to consider

Well, the location isn't like the exotic south seas, but you might like to check out the scenery David and I did for the old Coast Guard Air Station at Salem, Mass. It was a seaplane (and later, helo) base with no land runways. It was operational from the late 1930s to around 1970 and was inhabited at various times by planes like the Berliner-Joyce Flying Lifeboat, Grumman Duck, Goose, Widgeon and Albatross, Consolidated PBY, Martin PBM (I think), Vought OS2U, and any number of early Sikorsky helicopters.

There are four versions, pre-WW2 (for Golden Wings) and post-WW2, each in versions that fit either the stock scenery, or FREEflow New England (and Ultimate Terrain, acceptably though not quite perfectly.)

I seem to recall releasing CGAS Salem AI packages for pre-WW2 and Post-WW2, though I'm not certain about that - the memory banks are aging and fading...

Anyway, if you're interested, go to and search for Salem in the FS9 scenery section.
On a related note is is possible to create ramps that allow aircraft to roll into and out of the water? I don't much care for the sudden drops or the bounce up they do when taxiing in or out.
On another post I noted that there is a scenery of a carrier with a launch ramp for Harriers. They will roll up that ramp and launch as the real ones do so can I assume a water ramp is feasable?