PMDG DC 6 to be released today July 20th


Charter Member
See this link:

Also FSElite Link:

Same day, July 20th , 1969, 48 years ago today, that man stepped on the Moon

WAAAAAAAAAAAHEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO!!!! Eindelijk ! Finally ! Na dann Endlich ! Enfin! ¡por fin! :applause::jump::applause:

Oh, been waiting for this, holding my breath, only for about 5 years.....

First post following RR's announcement at Avsim regarding the onboard GPS..... Sigh.... Oh well...

A million thanks for this Mother Of All Tips, Rick !! :encouragement:

So it appears Jan that not only are you now a moderator, but may be in the market for the DC6.

Cheers Chris
Well, i'm still gobsmacked, guys....


I rounded up a few words to thank PMDG for this winged wonder at their own forum, something like : almighty, miraculous,astounding, leading, matchless, timeless,heavenly, exciting, noble, aberrant, exceptional, luxurious, magical, gorgeous, smashing, vertiginous staggering. Or, in a nutshell, outrageously beautiful inside and out.

This is really, really, no doubt about it a proplinerlover dream come true. Can't get any better than this. Period.

Must say these 4 plus years of waiting ( and not to forget the initial release for XPlane... Grrrrrr...) were sometimes quite disheartening but that feeling was swept away instantly and totally when i finally could virtually walk up to this enchanting beauty, enter the cockpit and ask my flight engineer to bring the engines to live. With his help we even did a few circuits around the field and boy oh boy what amazing experience that turned out to be ! ( better not ask about the landing... we made it still alive.... that's all...) She's all i kinda expected and hoped for only 10 times more !!

I say again T H A N K S A M I L L I O N, P M D G !!

One teensy weensy thingy i do miss : the tooltips. Although i'm almost sure that won't be a matter of importance anymore within a week.

My all time FS dream has come true, gents, dunno about you but if you're a propliner fan you simply can't do without this diamond gem.

So tell what you really think about this aircraft!:untroubled:

Off to purchase and join you in the propliner skies!
About an hour and a half on the airframe this evening...................outstanding.

Words escape me at the moment, but I will echo the sentiments that if you are a propliner fan, you need this.

X-Plane version was outstanding, P3Dv4 version is absolutely over the top.
I left the computer overnight by accident, when I got up at 4am for work I started closing down page or folder and saw the DC-6 was out, and got it then

Im surprised of the price, I was expecting at least $100 and up, but the DC6 fell far below my expectations price wise

havent had a fly or install yet, but one thing for sure this new paypal credit system download now and pay later is going to get me into a world of hurt

especially when your at the PC half asleep and see releases like this
2400 Views, 41 Replies re the DC-6 release at the FSX forum against 550 Views, 9 Replies overhere. Threads both started at the same day...

Complaints about no repaints and screenshots yet over at the FSX DC-6 thread. Actually no complaints about that here but as i posted some screenies in the FSX thread myself i thought it wouldn't hurt to lively up the DC-6 thread with some shots of this magnificent bird overhere as well, right ? Afterall, I did them in P3Dv4 to begin with... ;-) ( i saw no reason to keep FSX nore P3Dv3 on my precious but not thàt big SSD...)





Parking a DC-6 easy as parking a car (no tractor needed). Wonder if we can do it like that too.. ( Yes, we can ! (although too much power needed..)).
Gorgeous idle sound ! (not particularly hearing that with our precious PMDG bird..)
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