POH for the Nemeth Designs freeware EC120B


Charter Member
I recently wrote an illustrated POH for the freeware EC120B aimed at helping a friend who is among the newbies to all this FS stuff, and that I just revised and put up on the downloads page of my website. I'd appreciate it if the helicopter types here, and anyone else for that matter, would give me some feedback on it, and use it in good health if you think it worthwhile.

Thanks in advance!

Usually with helos like this one I have no patience, and slew up a foot or so and let go.
That way all systems are running, and you are not at the mercy of some designer who modeled everything except the vital generator reset switch ;)

Can't figure out whose EC120 I have - the readme appears to come from France VFR! It's not Nemeth payware, so the fact that your writeup seems to work means Nemeth had a freeware hand in it...

I also went looking at Hovercontrol, where there are some quite interesting repaints for this bird.

Thanks for taking the time TPL...managed to get the thing going just fine, in stupid mode.
BTW the landing light does come on in my installation, by clicking the VC switch.