Polesiti missions Screenshots


Charter Member
Here are some screenshots of the Polesiti missions set I am working on for MAW.
I am using a reskinned FP B-24, in my base missions..It is the "Strawberry Bitch" This aircraft is here at the Air Force Museum..I have been inside this aircraft several times as a young boy..( the skin is here at SOH)
Major Magee has built skins to be included for The B-24 and a skin for the Halifax..The Axis aircraft will be the Me 109 and the Me110..along with the IAR 80..
a special Thanks to Major magee for his very kind effort to build these skins for this mission
I hope all enjoy the preview..
HouseHobbit, if you read French, you may be interested by this: a special edition of the magazine AeoJournal dedicated to operation Tidel Wave



I'm actualli reading it, it's really interesting (106 pages with photos, maps, profils... there is also the list of all aircrafts involved in this mission with what happened for each of them).

Note that there were no 110 in Romania, only Me109-G2 for the Luftwaffe and I.A.R. 80B for the Aeronautica Regalã Româneascã were engaged over Ploesti.

Some Bulgarian Avia B.534 tried to intercept the B24's on their way to the target but they didn't managed to intercept the bombers, these very old aircraftss were too slow.
Looks great HH :applause:

I have been facinated by the "Raid on Ploesti" for a long time. In the very near future I would be able to participate in it. Can't wait


PRang :ernae:
I have several mission sets in this group..One set will be historical, using the FP B-24...And a wonderful skin supplied by Major Magee..Another 2 sets of what if's using the AVH b-17..and another set using a Hailifax, with a skin supplied by Major Magee to make it look like a B-24..In the what if's, on the axis side you will fly Both the Me 109 and Me110 with the IAR 80..
In the Histrorical missions set you will use the Me 109, Me 110 and the IAR 80 only as the interceptors.
I am setting up a large group of missions for this package..
I spent several hours at the Air Force museum (thanks to a friend) looking at the papers and logs of the men who flew this raid..It was surprising..
One set will be true to the events... And another set will be Based on fun not fact..
It is become a Large Monster to build all of this..And I am still working everything out..
It is impossible to make a perfectly History based set, the limitations of our beloved flight sim prevent this..But given these limitations I have tried to match as closely as possible in the History set as MAW will allow..
And I do wish I spoke french so I could read the mag..I should have payed closer attention to my French girlfriend when I was in Europe..But she was civilized and spoke English, Thank God..LOL..LOL..

You are right, some 110's engaged and claimed kills against the B24's over Ploesti. They were from IV./NJG 6 but I don't know which type of 110 exactly it was.
Yes i know, here is form the words of the men there:

Through the smoke, down on the deck we scooted. Mooney and Stan and Sparrier were above us, too high. ‘Come on down, boys,’ I prayed. ‘Fighters can’t dive on you when you’re on the deck.’ We hang right below them, with ol’ Heimie’s plane so close, he was sticking his right wing through my waist window.

Then we noticed Bob’s engine was feathered, but then he started it windmilling to fool any fighters looking for cripples. Sure enough, there was a Me-110 circling over us. He had already shot down two 24s, but for some reason he didn’t close with our tight-flying ‘Purple Heart Squadron.’ Neither did any of the other fighters. We knew we’d never be able to re-form with the main group, and we were afraid to break radio silence for fear of drawing fighters, so we followed Bob as he headed home, sticking close together, to protect us against fightersmen there
Go here to get the info

Ive been allowed to look at the logs of several of the aircraft involved and they all had different stories to tell.It has taken alot of research on my part to get these missions correct, weeks of reading and looking..I shall have to go with what the american crews had to say...
Does anyone know if there are any delay fused bombs out there..
I can do these missions without them.. But they would be a Great help..
Thanks All
You may have already seen it but there are smoke drums in the vehicule folder in CFS3. Many of them were placed around Ploesti oil refineries.

Take care with the combat crews report because sometimes it's not accurate which is easy to understand while in the action. For exemple, some crews have reported Ju88's but none of them was in the area, the only twin engine fighters were the 110's night fighters.

Recommended books:
Ploesti: the great ground-air battle of 1 August, 1943 (James Dugan & Carroll Stewart / prefer the 2002 updated edition)

The Ploesti Raid Through the Lens (Roger A. Freeman)

Black Sunday: Ploesti (Michael Hill)
Don't worry, I am being very careful..
As for the Burning drums (smoking drums)..I am not adding them, they are from Nannies effects add ons..And not everyone Knows how to add these effects..I will keep this as simple as possible.. yet true to the missions as possible..Not everyone understands how to add effects or the like. and many I realize don't want to change their basic set ups..
there are limits many are not willing to go to in changing their setups..I do understand this..
remember, that not everyone has the ability or desire to add on and change files..
Because you and I may have the ability doen't mean evryone has this ability..
We Must keep in mind that others that will be using this want it as simple as possible, so they can load all of this without to much hassle..
and IF I tryied to add everything perfectly it would take a Super computer to run the mission..several hundred AA guns, 178 bombers, and the like can't be loaded and expected to run on most machines..There are Limits to all of this I must concider..
Perhaps you Led Zeppelin would Like to help out in this..You seem very interested in it all..
and I am willing always to accept any help I can get from one as knowageable as you are..
concider my offer..
I spent some time last night trying to create a parafrag weapon to give the plane some seperation when making low altitude drops. I was unsuccessful in the effort using the bomb drag factor, as it apparently applies itself to internally carried bombs even before they're dropped and the plane lost the ability to fly when carrying them.

I also messed around with the impact offsets, but they didn't seem to have any effect. Does anyone have documentation on what the various weapons parameters are supposed to do? Is there a fuse delay option we could turn on for this?
Thank You Major,
I realize the limits in all of this..I to have tried to set up bombs with para's but I don't have the knowage for achive this..
Right now I am using 100 lb bombs in the missions, they seen to let the b-24's to get low enough to hit and get away..But again a limit in the CFS3 game engine is AI aircraft will not go below a few hundred feet and attack..
There are limits our Beloved flight sim will allow..
Perhaps this is why no one has attempted this mission set up before..In CFS3..Or MAW..
But I shall carry on, and I believe I shall beable to overcome some of these problems..
And with the Help of those here,( like You) it shall be a good set of missions..
even with the limits placed on us by the game engine..
Thank you..
I spent some time last night trying to create a parafrag weapon to give the plane some seperation when making low altitude drops.

Hi Major, This is one chesnut I'd love to see cracked. It's been looked into with regard to Mosquito low level strikes with the problems you've seen. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm not that smart and it's been quite a while. So good luck to you.
Didn't the paratrooper loads tend to blow up on landing much like a para-frag when they were first being developed?