Polish Missions package Uploaded


Charter Member
Thanks to ALL for their kind birthday wishes..
As tradition a Hobbit gives gifts on their Birthday.

So here are the first of several "Gifts" for all..

Thanks to the Many Authors of the items included
Original Read me's are included for the Aircraft used with permission.

These missions are to represent what happened in 1939 with missions for German and Polish pilots..

And again many thanks to the authors for allowing a Hobbit to share their work.

To the Hobbit Hole Gang (testers), these Aircraft and missions are Not what you first tested..
Replace your test items with this package..

I hope all will enjoy this package .
Excellent, Owen!

I'll be sure to download tonight or tomorrow. Haven't had much time with CFS3 lately.
Great screenies, Owen :applause:. Your whole scenery package is looking good. What in improvement over even a couple of years ago. The environment package, topography and everything works well together.

Oh, and the missions look exciting, too :icon_lol:
True these missions are lot's ove fun and the scenery makes them even more life like.:applause:
The BF-109 payers need a wingman ??
I am very grateful to the Masters who the past few years with their works have Greatly improved the scenery for our CFS3 and expansions..
Their efforts have changed the complexity of the sim(s) scenery very much..

I have gotten loaded several of these updates into my Advanced set ups..
With 13 installs on one computer and 11 on another it does take time to upgrade everything..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
these look great Owen......can't wait to strap 'em on......haven't been around awhile! Thx
HH...........these are great fun and look beautiful....nice variety of planes to poodle around in.....and the breifings are the best!!! Cheers....gaw
Have you noticed there are no wingman to the player so your orders to any wingman fall short.
Yes, I set these up for the most part as solo missions No wing men to lose..

Setting the Scenery up was the reason, wanted to place these in the east, and there were No airbases to fly from so I had to set them up this way..
I prefer to have a mission start on the ground, take off..Then warp or fly to the IP..
Oh yea!
Glad these are working for you all..
Thanks for the Comments
:applause: :applause: :applause: