Wow, Ted... that is NICE.... Just when I wuz startin' ta sink a bit, ya charged me back up!
I gotta tell ya, that is one NICE flight model... you is real good at this!
She handles like a dream now... throttle up, ...the tail lifts up (just when it should, and ya can help it a little or no--just so) then pull back the stik just a smidge and I'm in the air and a few seconds on, doin' a strong 144(mph)!
Now she's stable, no more trimming just to survive(!)
...so I bled off a little speed and brought her around to the airstrip... flaps--gear I touched down just a bit too hard at 78mph... let go of the stick... one little bounce and she "three points" at 61mph... PERFECT!! (see the screenies)
thanx, mate ...it stuff like this that makes it all worth while!!:trophy::trophy::trophy:
(and this was the only test flight... just as it happened!)