Port Angeles CGAS


Anybody know where this scenery might have gone to; Port Angeles CGAS by Dustin Mosher? Below is the link to only the thread could find from 2007, the only download link being broken. When I downloaded the MAIW USCG package I found several airports missing from my main T-Tools airports list and this was one of them. Just curious if anyone has it or knows how to contact Dustin. Thanks for any help.

So far no problems and I think It's quite good, especially compared with google maps. It did need a little afcad help so I'm making a new one to correct the height and runway alignment, add taxiways and some parking for the MAIW helos. I also tried adding a static CG helo from warehouse_airplanes_military.zip, as appropriate. I may add more eye candy as time allows since this scenery really deserves the detail on top of a great scenery effort by Dustin.